Rhabdopleura graysoni Chapman, Durman & Rickards - The Carboniferous rhabdopleurid graptolite closely resembling the extant species Rhabdopleura compacta Hincks. - http://www.sztandary.com/Graptolithoidea/rhabdopleura.html
BSEM - a tool for graptolite research. - Back-Scattered Electron Microscopy technique applied to study graptolitic material - BSEM image of Psigraptus. - http://sztandary.graptolite.net/bsem.html
Cystograptus, a diplograptid graptolite. - Diagnosis and illustrations of the genus Cystograptus Hundt, 1942. - http://mierzejewski.republika.pl/cystograptus.html
Graptolites - Relationshipis among graptolite orders. - http://www.graptolite.net/Graptolites/index.html
Rhabdopleura - like fossil from the Silurian of Gotland. - An excellently preserved zooidal tube of a Silurian hemichordate closely related to the extant genus Rhabdopleura. - http://www.mierzejewski.biz/rosicrucians/rhabdo_gotl.html
Collagen in the pterobranch coenecium - Results of the amino-acid analysis of the skeleton of Rhabdopleura and Cephalodiscus. - http://www.graptolite.net/collagen.html
Graptolite stolons described as remnants of hydroids. - Isolated stolons of Koremagraptus-like graptolites were misinterpreted as remains of the 'chitinous' hydroids (4 images). - http://piotr.countofcalmont.com/Trimerohydra.html
Graptolites and early vascular land plants. - Early Palaeozoic tracheid-like tubes, believed to be of vascular land plant origin, resemble fragments of graptolite stolons. - http://microfossils.graptolite.net/tracheids.html
Autothecal morphs and dormancy in an Ordovician sessile graptolite. - Description and SEM micrographs of normal and sealed thecal morphs in the camaroid graptolite Xenotheka klinostoma from the Ordovician of Öland, Sweden. - http://organica.countofcalmont.com/morphs.html
The enigmatic encruster CHAUNOGRAPTUS - Graptolite-like fossils from the Upper Ordovician of Ohio and Indiana. By J.M. St.John and M.A. Wilson. - http://www.graptolite.home.pl/cagliostro/rosencreutz/encruster.htm
Rhabdopleura kozlowskii - Diagnosis, occurrence, images, and references of the species. - http://pterobranchia.graptolite.net/Rhabdopleura_kozlowskii.html
Melanostrophus - an enigmatic hemichordate - A graptolite-like fossil from the Ordovician of Estonia and erratic boulders. - http://www.graptolite.net/Melanostrophus.html
Affinities of Inocaulis - Nature of the genera assigned to the graptolite order Inocaulida. - http://www.graptolite.net/Inocaulis.html
Petalograptus minor - Photo of the graptolite species. - http://www.silurian.com/geology/fomf10.htm
Cyrtograptus murchinsoni - Information about the species; photo. - http://www.silurian.com/geology/fomf6.htm
Graptolite Home - General information about graptolites, based on Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (1970). - http://www.earth.rochester.edu/ees207/Graptolites/caplangrap1.html
Graptolite Net - Links to graptolite and pterobranch pages, abstracts, articles, graptolite researchers. - http://www.graptolite.net/
Barrie Rickards - Current graptolite projects; general information. - http://www.esc.cam.ac.uk/astaff/rickards/
Pyritized Graptolites - Pyritization and deformation of graptolites by Ch.M. Witkowski. - http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2002NE/finalprogram/abstract_31879.htm
Permian Pterobranch - First find of a Permian rhabdopleurid (Graptolithoidea). - http://www.graptolite.net/grapto/a1.html
Denis Bates Homepage - (with Dr Nancy Kirk). Research interests, morphology of retiolitids, ultrastructure, mode of life, evolution. - http://users.aber.ac.uk/alm/web/bateweb1.html
Graptolite Locomotion - A new model for graptoloid locomotion by M.J. Melchin and M.E. DeMont. - http://www.stfx.ca/people/edemont/abstracts/mike.html
Graptolite Growth - Note on the mathematical model and simulation of dendroid graptolite growth. - http://www.notam02.no/~oyvindha/grapto.html
William Berry, Professor of Geology. - Research, recent graptolite publications. - http://www.seismo.berkeley.edu/geology/faculty/professors/berry.htm
Graptolite. home 3.3 - Piotr Mierzejewski: research interests, abstracts of recent graptolite publications. - http://graptolite.home.pl/
The British and Irish Graptolite Group - Information and topical news about graptolites, and those scientists working on graptolites in the UK and Ireland - http://www.graptolites.co.uk/