Paper Dinosaurs - History of dinosaur paleontology, 1824-1969 -
Academy of Natural Sciences: Joseph Leidy - Joseph Leidy is known as the Father of American Vertebrate Paleontology and the founder of American Protozoology and Parasitology. He was an expert in natural history and human anatomy during the 19th Century. His biography, a timeline, the varied aspect -
Dinosaurs of the Deep - Information about Charles H. Sternberg's dinosaur collections from the Alberta badlands that sank with the Canadian Pacific Railway steamship Mount Temple when it was scuttled by a German warship. Includes research efforts and possible plans for recovery -
The Granger Papers Project - Independent research centering on our extensive collection of the personal expedition diaries, letters and photographs of American paleontologist Walter Granger. -
A History of Dinosaur Hunting - Dinosaur hunters and their discoveries, from Gideon Mantell and the changing shape of the Iguanodon to the present day -
A History of Evolutionary Thought - Biographies of paleontology and evolutionary thinkers from the UCMP. -