IfM Research Vessels - The Institut fuer Meereskunde operates four vessels and one boat of different sizes, capacities and ranges. The Poseidon is deployed predominantly for longer research cruises in the north Atlantic Ocean, R.V. Alkor is used for missions in the North Sea, R -
NIWA Vessel Management Ltd. - Owner and operator of a fleet of research vessels in New Zealand. NIWA's research vessels are used for oceanographic, fisheries and coastal research as well as for marine engineering and environmental studies. -
Van Hussen B.V. - Specialist in propulsion shaft alignment of ships in operation, using a hydraulic jack for pushing shafts up and down. -
Otter Works - Offers vessel maintenance and repair services and charters M/V Eomaia for marine research charters. -
CSIRO Marine Research - Operates two research vessels. The 55 metre oceanographic research vessel Franklin is operated as a national facility and is available to all scientists on the basis of competitive proposals. The larger Southern Surveyor has the capacity to carry out a -
NOAA Marine Operations - The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) operates a wide assortment of hydrographic survey, oceanographic research, and fisheries research vessels. These vessels are operated by the Office of Marine and Aviation Operations. The ship's -
Belgian national research ship facility - The oceanographic research ship Belgica belongs to the Belgian State and is managed by MUMM, which is also responsible for planning and organising scientific campaigns at sea. The Belgian navy provides the crew and takes care of the operational aspects as -
VT Ocean Sciences - A joint venture between the University of Wales at Bangor and Vosper Thornycroft (UK) Ltd, formed to provide the Research Vessel Prince Madog and associated services, satisfying current and future needs of the marine science community. The new Prince Mado -
Zephyr Marine - Provides vessels and equipment for hydrographic surveys throughout the West Coast and Southeast Alaska. -