Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research - AWI's research targets are: ocean-ice-atmosphere system, polar and marine communities and geological evolution of the polar and marine oceans. -
Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences (Marum) - MARUM offers the chance to integrate a wide variety of know-how from multiple research disciplines and institutes. Thus the great potential of marine research in the state of Bremen can be exploited to the optimum extent. -
The Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Kiel - Research specialties are ocean circulation, climate dynamics, marine biogeochemistry, marine ecology, and ocean floor dynamics. Page includes list of working groups. Located in Germany. -
Coastal Research Laboratory - CORELAB - The Coastal Research Laboratory (Corelab) at the Christian Albrechts University of Kiel is a research and teaching unit established to foster research in coastal environments. -
University of Bremen - Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, ZMT is a research and training institution. -
University of Oldenburg - Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Sea. -