Get Ready Hurricane Guide by Florida International University - Gives hurricane preparation advice. Includes ideas on how to protect people, pets, homes, businesses, and how to make an emergency supply kits. Also, has list of contacts for these situations. -
American Red Cross: Hurricane - Helps to prepare an evacuation plan, assemble a disaster supplies kit, and prepare for high winds. -,1082,0_587_,00.html
Food Safety in Hurricanes and Floods - Information on hurricane preparations and food safety. Covers storing and disinfecting water, foods to discard or save after floods or power outages and cooking without power. -
Hurricane Weather Center - Weather and storm information from South Florida. -
The Deadly Hurricane - Tampa Bay - Description of what hurricanes really mean along the Gulf Coast near Tampa, and suggestions about preparedness and evacuation. -
Hurricane and Natural Disaster Brochure - Presented by the National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration. -