Drought - Background information for journalists. - http://www.environmentwriter.org/resources/articles/natr60.htm
Prairie drought of 2001 - CBC News reports on the drought of 2001 in Saskatchewan, Alberta, and other parts of Canada. - http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/agriculture/
U.S. Drought Monitor - Map of U.S. drought conditions, including long-range temperature and preciptation outlooks. - http://www.drought.unl.edu/monitor/monitor.htm
USGS--Pacific Northwest Drought - Status and information on daily streamflow in the Pacific Northwest States of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Links to other resources. - http://wa.water.usgs.gov/news/drought/
Monitoring and Early Warning - Maps providing monthly updated, distributed information on rainfall, actual evapotranspiration, radiation, drought and desertification indices, and crop yield forecasts for Africa and Europe, with methodology discussions. - http://www.earlywarning.nl/
National Drought Mitigation Center - The National Drought Mitigation Center provides information to help people and institutions reduce vulnerability to drought, stressing prevention and risk management. - http://drought.unl.edu
NOAA's Drought Information Center - A collection of sites related to drought and climate conditions in the United States (and some individual states). It includes current reports, outlooks, and indices used for drought and moisture monitoring . - http://www.drought.noaa.gov/
North American Drought, a Paleo Perspective - Highlights the importance of paleoclimate research in providing information about past droughts and natural variability. Includes maps that display droughts of the various centuries. - http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/paleo/drought/