Wright Weather - A weather consulting company specializing in expert witness testimony, past weather reports, forensic weather reconstruction, detailed weather forecasts, data, climate studies, air pollution permitting, air quality modeling, and air quality expert testimo - http://www.wrightweather.com
WeatherData, Inc. - Weather information andrisk management consulting firm providing long rangeforecasts and software solutions to air and transportation logistics, facility management, university and energy customers. - http://www.weatherdata.com/
Weather Works - Specializing in forensic meteorology, past weather data, certified snowfall totals, customized weather forecasts, storm alerts, and radio weather broadcasts. - http://www.weatherworksinc.com/
Weather Source - For historical, real-time weather information, consulting or tailored solutions for challenging weather problems. - http://weather-source.com
New England Weather Science - Certified weather statements for legal, insurance and contractor verification in New England. - http://www.snowandice.com/
Meteorological Solutions Inc. - Provides air quality and meteorological consulting, emphasizing atmospheric measurements and monitoring; equipment installation, calibration and audits; air permitting and modeling; forecasting for government, industry, media, insurance, and law firms. - http://www.metsolution.com/
Marcus Weather Inc. - Solutions and sales consulting for agricultural, energy and weather derivative traders, and other at risk weather sensitive businesses. - http://www.marcusweather.com/
Firnspiegel - Atmospheric, environmental and snow consulting firm specializing in mountain meteorology, avalanche research, hydrologic issues and environmental impacts. Expert testimony available. Based in Lake Tahoe, California. - http://www.firnspiegel.com/
Climatological Consulting Corporation - Private consulting company providing litigation support and expert testimony in forensic meteorology, climatology, aviation weather, and related areas. - http://www.ccc-weather.com/