Alaska Satellite Facility - The Alaska Satellite Facility is a NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) and receiving ground station for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Sea Ice, Polar Processes, and Geophysics. -
NSF Geosciences Unidata Integrated Earth Information Server (IEIS) - Information that arrives via the experimental nation-wide Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) network, which automatically delivers real-time environmental observations from observing systems around the globe. -
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) - Global-change data and information analysis for the US Department of Energy (DOE). Compiles and maintains extensive international data sets on atmospheric chemistry, particularly atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane & other radiativel -
NSSDC OMNIWeb - Data retrieval and analysis interface to the National Space Science Data Center's OMNI data: This data includes "near-Earth" solar wind magnetic field and plasma data, energetic proton fluxes, and geomagnetic and solar activity indices. -
High-resolution Shoreline Database - Information on digital coastline and shorelines data available from various sources. Provided by the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Marine Geology and Geophysics Division and collocated World Data Center A for Marine Geology and Geophysics. -
NASA-Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (ASDC) - The ASDC processes, archives and distributes data from instruments measuring clouds, aerosols, tropospheric chemistry, and Earth's radiation budget. -
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) - As an information and referral center in support of polar and cryospheric research, NSIDC archives and distributes digital and analog snow, ice, and glaciological data. -
USDOC/NOAA/NESDIS/National Geophysical Data Center - Manages environmental data in the fields of marine geology and geophysics, paleoclimatology, solar-terrestrial physics, solid earth geophysics, and glaciology (snow and ice). -
Biogeochemical Dynamics Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) - The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)/NASA DAAC provides biogeochemical and ecological data for use in studying environmental processes. Data were collected on the ground, from aircraft, and by satellite, or generated by computer models. -
EROS Data Center at the U.S. Geological Survey - The EROS Data Center is home to the U.S. National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive. The EROS Data Center is managed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). -