SID Monitoring Station-France - Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SID) resulting from solar flares being measured from a France station. Real time data and station descriptions. -
Atmospheric Optics - Photo visual spectacles produced by light playing on water drops, dust and ice crystals in the atmosphere. Explanations applying atmospheric physics, images and downloadable freeware to simulate them. -
Atmospheric Optics at Kulgun, Australia - Explanations of atmospheric optical phenomena occurring in photos in Kulgun, Australia and South Pole station in Antarctica. -
NASA CERES Ocean Validation Experiment - The CERES Ocean Validation Experiment (COVE) provides continuous radiation measurements at the Chesapeake Lighthouse for validation of The Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) and other satellite products associated with NASA's Earth Obser -
The Community Coordinated Modeling Center - The CCMC website provides the space weather research community with model runs on request, visualization and analysis tools, validation and metrics information, and experimental real-time model runs and coupled model runs. -
Stratospheric Circulation and its Impact on the Troposphere - Dynamical connection between the troposphere and stratosphere, including planetary wave-mean flow interaction, statistical tools (PCA/EOF,MCA/SVD,CCA), existence of circulation regimes (multiple equilibria). -
University of Toronto Atmospheric Physics - Experimental, modeling, and theoretical studies of climate and dynamics from the cryosphere to the middle atmosphere. Remote sensing of atmospheres of Earth and Mars. Abstracts from seminars and FAQ's on climate change. -
ORDA database: remote ionosphere diagnostics - Realtime data and archive of ionospheric parameters above Irkutsk and Norilsk (Russia) - electron and ion temperatures, plasma drift, electron density. Data obtained by Irkutsk Incoherent Scatter Radar and DigiSondes. -
Atmospheric Physics at MISU - The Atmospheric Physics Group's main research is concentrated on improving our understanding of the physics and chemistry that determine the structure and composition of the middle and upper atmosphere. -
NASA Ames Research Center - The mission of the Atmospheric Physics Branch (SGP) is to advance the scientific knowledge and understanding of the physical processes that determine the behavior of the atmosphere on earth. -
Orb Study - Here you will be introduced to research data and digital camera images of lower atmospheric plasma orbs gathered over a three year period from our isolated research site in Gulf Breeze, Florida. -
Atmospheric Sciences at Michigan Tech - Find out about the Michigan Tech atmospheric sciences graduate degree interdisciplinary research program. -
Secrets of the Polar Aurora - Overview of the polar aurora, by a scientist; illustrated, with history and relevant physics. -
Why is the Sky Blue? - Why is the sky blue in language that everyone can understand. -
Optical Spectrograph and InfraRed Imaging System - OSIRIS data, presentations and system status from the atmospheric research group at the Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies. -
Space Weather Resources - Very large, categorized collection of links related to the interaction of solar wind and the magnetosphere. -
1976 Standard Atmosphere Calculator - The online 1976 standard atmosphere calculator computes atmospheric properties like density, temperature, pressure and speed of sound up to 86 kilometers altitude. Graphics and a table generator are included. -
Liquid Nitrogen Simulation of Aurora Borealis - Unified Field Theory explains Auroras Borealis and Australis and suggests an experimental simulation using an iron core container with electric coil wrapping and electron gun. -
University of Aberystwyth: Atmospheric Physics Group - These pages outline the work of this group, which is focussed on the study of the atmosphere between about 3 and 90Km above the surface of the earth. -
National Center for Atmospheric Research - Plans, organizes, and conducts atmospheric and related research programs in collaboration with universities. -
General Spectral Toolbox - GENSPECT is a line-by-line radiative transfer code to calculate gas absorption and emissivity, emission and transmission for a wide range of atmospheric gases. GENSPECT has an online web interface is available as a MATLAB toolbox. -
NCAR CEDAR - An online database of upper atmosphere, weather, and model data. -
University of Manchester Atmospheric Physics Research Group - Pages describing the research activities, and employment opportunities (including PhD) within the Group. Work within the group covers micrometeorolgy, cloud microphysics and chemistry, aerosol science, and radiative transfer. -
Auroras: Paintings in the Sky - What are auroras? What makes them happen? What do they look like? Where can you see them? Site includes stunning photos and QuickTime movies of the northern lights, and Realaudio interviews with NASA scientists. -