Kalzium - Free periodic table program for the KDE desktop environment. - http://edu.kde.org/kalzium/
Dhaatu Periodic Table - Free download for Windows. - http://www.periodic.batcave.net
ChemAP 2003 - Periodic Table of elements to compare elements, calculate molecular weights, property visualisation, unit conversion. [Windows] - http://www.pcsoftland.com/education/chemistry/chemap-2003.htm
Periodic Spiral of the Elements - For Mac and PC, an alternative representation of the periodic table that aims to better place the lanthanoids, actinoids, and hydrogen. The program also includes extensive information about elements, their uses and their properties. Shockwave demo availab - http://www.periodicspiral.com
Electronic Periodic Table of the Elements - Text-based periodic table for Unix. The source code, written in C, is available for download and use under the GNU GPL. It includes sound files that give element names and definitions out loud. - http://www.toddmiller.com/epte/index.html
Atomic PC - Downloadable Windows shareware containing abundant physical, chemical and nuclear information about the elements. Online registration available. - http://www.engresource.com/software/atomic.html
Atomic Mac - An electronic version of the periodic table of elements with detailed physical and nuclear information. - http://www.blackcatsystems.com/software/atomic.html
Synergy Creations - Developers of general educational software for the Macintosh platform, including Periodic Table software. Online purchasing available. - http://www.synergycreations.com/
BK Periodic Library - Windows periodic table with element properties search and graphing. Free for personal use. - http://www.orbit.org/perlib/
Celeste - An interactive periodic table software product for Windows with graphing capabilities. - http://www.chemlearn.com