Femtolab - Study the interaction of short light pulses with matter. - http://www.femtolab.au.dk/index.php?menu=0
Chen Group - Electrospray ionization Tandem mass spectrometry, spectroscopy and dynamics, computational chemistry. - http://www.chen.ethz.ch/indexswf.html
Professor Richard Saykally - Active projects include nonlinear chemical imaging nanomicroscopy of nanostructured materials, polymers, and biological systems, terahertz laser spectroscopy of water clusters, infrared cavity ringdown spectroscopy of ions and clusters, synchrotron X-ray - http://www.cchem.berkeley.edu/~rjsgrp/
Prof. Dr. Jäger's Group Homepage - Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Jäger's Laboratory for the Study of Intermolecular Interactions. - http://www.chem.ualberta.ca/~jaeger
York Centre for Laser Spectroscopy - Study of Van der Waals and other weakly bonded aromatic complexes. - http://www.york.ac.uk/res/ycls/
Xia Group - Materials and surface chemistry. - http://faculty.washington.edu/~yxia/
Turro Group - Photochemistry. Reactive intermediates. - http://turmac13.chem.columbia.edu/
Moerner Group - Single-molecule spectroscopy and microscopy. Single-molecule biophysics and nanophotonics. - http://www.stanford.edu/group/moerner/
Lyon Group - Hydrogel and nanoparticulate materials chemistry. - http://web.chemistry.gatech.edu/~lyon//
Davidovits Labs - Chemical reactions of gas molecules at the gas-liquid interface. - http://chemserv.bc.edu/Department/Faculty/davidovits/home.htm
Campbell Group - Physical chemistry of solid Surfaces: chemisorption, catalysis, and surface analysis. - http://www.cpac.washington.edu/~campbell/index.html
Axner Group - Laser-based research on trace-element detection, microsurgery and cooling and trapping. - http://www.phys.umu.se/laser/