The Leys School Department of Chemistry - Details of courses offered; personnel; study skills; textbooks, and departmental aims. Based in Cambridge, England. -
Room D113 - Mrs. A's Chemistry - Located on the Robert E. Lee High School campus in Tyler, TX. Resources for pre-AP chemistry and AP chemistry including syllabi and course objectives, review material, practice quizzes, games, Mole Day information, and field trip pictures. -
The Chemistry Corner by Vicki Klawinski - A resource for high school chemistry students and teachers. Includes activities, class information, and chemistry notes. -
Adrian Dingle's Chemistry Pages - Designed for UK and US high school chemistry students. Content is suitable for A Level and GCSE (UK) and Regular, Honors and Advanced Placement (US) courses. Includes downloadable notes, worksheets and labs. -
Mr. Mitchell's Mad Science Lab - Chemistry and physics resources for high school students and teachers. -
Steve Hammonds Subjects - Course materials for the classes Chemical Principles and Principles of Instrumentation and Occupational Health and Safety. Taught by Steve Hammond at Victoria University Werribee Campus. -
Harry Clark's Chemistry Website - Jesuit High School (New Orleans, Louisiana) chemistry website serving as a source of communication and resources for its students. Reference tables, labs with pictures, honor roll and special achievements, class webcam, teacher biography, course details -
Steve Marsden's Chemistry Pages - A resource for high school chemistry and physical science students and teachers. -
Mark Bishop's Chemistry Site - Thorough collection of materials and resources for all of the chemistry courses Mark Bishop teaches, including many interactive demonstrations. -
Mr.Bright's Chemistry Home Page - Contains links to an interactive Periodic Table of elements, a summary of molecular shapes and electron pair geometry, as well as animations on molecular models. - - Mr. Allan's Chemistry Site - A support site for chemistry and advanced placement chemistry at Mt. Whitney High School in Visalia, California. Resources may be useful to other high school chemistry students and teachers as well. -