Fibroblast Growth Factors and Their Receptors: A Kinemage Collection - This site uses kinemages to highlight the structural features of FGF ligands and receptors. Java-enabled browsers can manipulate the structures in real time using the KiNG application. -
Molecular Models for Biochemistry - Pictures of the molecular structure of amino acids. Also features common properties of all amino acids, peptide structures, and a protein structure quiz. -
Early Interactive Molecular Graphics Movie Gallery - QuickTime versions of molecular animation sequences from the late 1960s and early 1970s, with an emphasis on biomacromolecules. -
Cambridge Cluster Database - Low-energy configurations for atomic and molecular clusters bound by various potential energy functions. Images and Cartesian coordinates are supplied. -
Protein Data Bank - Three-dimensional structures of biological macromolecules. Also includes newsletters and a description of the Protein Data Bank file format. -