EnviroHealth Technologies - Offers AIHA accredited testing and consulting for asbestos, lead and other hazards in industrial hygiene and wastes, at laboratory in St. Louis, MO. - http://www.laboratory-testing.com/
Water Soils and Environmental Testing at Wilkes University - Comprehensive state-of-the-art biological and chemical analysis of water testing, foods, soils and other environmental samples. - http://www.water-research.net/Inorganic_Testing.htm
Marine Chemist Service, Inc. - Specializing in asbestos, lead, hazardous waste, certified marine chemists, and industrial hygiene. Contacts in Newport News and Norfolk, Virginia. - http://www.marinechemist.com/
American Analytical Laboratory, Inc. - Offers analysis of air toxics, groundwater, wastewater, drinking water, solid waste for industrial hygiene analyses and consulting in Akron, Ohio. - http://www.aal-inc.com/
Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. - Offers range of tests including semivolatiles, volatiles pesticides and metals, with laboratory locator for the nearest state, and head office in Tacoma, Washington. - http://www.stl-inc.com/
Analytics Environmental Laboratory - Offers organic, inorganic, and metal analysis in soil, water and air. Includes list of analytes, certifications, quality levels, customer data handling, case studies, contacts and directions to Portsmouth, New Hampshire. - http://www.analyticslab.com/
SamplePrep - Directory of services, slide show of microwave application, advice on speciated and trace analysis, and PDF registration for short course at the Center for Microwave and Analytical Chemistry at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA. - http://www.sampleprep.duq.edu/
Sierra Analytical Labs, Inc. - Specialist in the testing of soil, water and vapor samples. Includes online tour of departments, key personeel, chain of custody form and contacts for Laguna Hills, CA. - http://www.sierralabs.net
ChemLab.cc - Offer analyses for inorganics, heavy metals, volatile organics, pesticides, herbicides, radiochemicals and microbes in drinking water at Myrtle Creek, OR. - http://chemlab.cc/
The Center for Green Manufacturing - Faculty focusing on technology, such as metallurgical and materials engineering, for energy and pollution efficient processes, integrated into the science and engineering curriculum at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. - http://www.bama.ua.edu/~cgm/
Cornerstone Laboratories, LLC - Offers microbiological, trace level organic and inorganic analyses, including metals, volatiles, semi-volatiles, pesticides, herbicides in underground storage tanks. Regulatory compliant service from Memphis, Tennessee. - http://www.cornerstonelab.com/
Tri-State Laboratories, Inc. - Offer asbestos testing, analysis of hazardous waste, for metals, inorganics and organics in the field. Also offer forensic analysis and court testimony from Youngstown, OH. - http://www.tristatelabs.net
Environmental Services Company - Offer US EPA approved pollutant scanning, TCLP analyses and GC-MS on hazardous waste, water and air emissions. Provide chain of custody in PDF or mobile unit operating out of Little Rock and Springdale, Arkansas. - http://www.esclabs.com/
Flett Research Ltd. - Laboratory specializing in radioactive dating from isotopes of lead, cesium and mercury, in tissue, water, sediments, air and other media from Winnipeg, Canada. - http://www.flettresearch.ca
ESS Laboratory - Offers certified testing and analysis of volatile and semi-volatile materials, metals, water, wastewater, siloxanes, soil, sludge, sediment and wetlands at Thielsch Engineering, Cranston, RI. - http://www.esslaboratory.com/
Midwest Microlab, LLC. - Specializing in organic microchemical, nitrogen, halogen, TOC, chloride and fluorine analysis at Indianapolis, IN. - http://www.midwestlab.com/
Analytical Laboratory Services, Inc. - ALSI performs sampling and testing in support of environmental monitoring projects on soil, water, solid waste, as well as industrial hygiene such as lead, asbestos and air quality, at Middletown,PA. - http://www.analyticallab.com/
DioxinLab.com - RPC - Offers analysis of dioxins and furans for monitoring effluents and other matrices, at the Research and Productivity Council in Fredericton, NB, Canada. - http://www.dioxinlab.com/
North Shore Analytical, Inc. - Overview of laboratory specializing in low level mercury analysis, including certificatons and facilities in Duluth, MN. - http://www.northshoreanalytical.com/
PAR Laboratories, Inc. - Company profile, instrumentation of EPA certified lab, specializing in water, wastewater, soil, asbestos, and petroleum products at Charlotte, NC. - http://www.parlabs.com/
First Environmental Laboratories, Inc. - Details of facilities and equipment, quality assurance, accreditation list, glossary, staff and sample policies, from lab serving government and consultants for analyses at Naperville, IL. - http://www.firstenv.com/
New York Association of Approved Environmental Laboratories - NYAAEL is a non-profit organization of the state's Department of Health, with events, membership form, officials, inviting representatives from industries testing for hazards in air, drinking and waste water, and solid waste. - http://www.nyaael.org/
Frontier Analytical Laboratory - Specialist in trace level analysis of dioxin, furans and PCBs in various matrices by HR GCMS. Provides PDF chain of custody form, client login and contacts in El Dorado Hills, CA. - http://www.frontieranalytical.com/
North Coast Environmental Laboratories, Inc. - Offers full service environmental lab capable of running all types of analysis for water, air and soil, following EPA established protocols in Streetsboro, OH. - http://www.northcoastlabs.net/
Mobile Chem Labs Inc. - Offering on-site organic and inorganic analyses of soil, water and air using mobile state certified laboratory operating from Lafayette, CA. - http://www.mobilechemlabs.com/
Moldlaboratory.com - Offer cleanup, mold abatement, mold analysis, asbestos analysis, lead based paint sample analysis in Los Angeles, CA. - http://www.moldlaboratory.com/
American Testing Company, Inc. - Offers turn-key services including legally defensible data, useful links and online ordering and payment. Contact and locations in three states besides Bedford Heights, OH. - http://www.americantesting.com/
Analytical Environmental Services, Inc. - List of equipment and types of analyses performed, professional certifications, available service levels, and contact information for location in Atlanta, GA. - http://www.aesatlanta.com/
ESN North Atlantic - Small business mobile service aiming to provide experienced, innovative and cost effective analysis organics and inorganics for all matrices map showing ten US offices including Hawaii. - http://esnnorth.com/
Fountain Valley Analytical Laboratory - Offers analysis of samples for both naturally occurring constituents as well as contaminants in drinking, natural, recreational and waste water at state certified testing laboratory in Westminster, MD. - http://www.fval.com/
Del Mar Analytical - Offering organic, inorganic and water toxicity assays, throughout the southwestern states with mobile labs operating out of Las Vagas, Phoenix, Irvine and San Diego, CA. - http://www.dmalabs.com/
Legend Technical Services, Inc. - Offers analysis for industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, and including microbiological laboratory testing and consulting in four states. - http://www.legend-group.com/
ZymaX Envirotechnology, Inc. - Specialist in petroleum hydrocarbon analysis of air, liquids, and solids, with a well investigation program at San Luis Obispo, CA. - http://www.zymaxusa.com/
CNA Environmental Inc. - Offering commercial laboratory services, home water testing for minerals, organics and bacteria. Also, water treatment programs and training at Saratoga Springs, NY. - http://www.cnawater.com/
Mountainheath Laboratories Ltd. - UKAS accredited laboratory specialising in custom analysis of food, water and environmental samples for organic pesticide residues at Letchworth, UK. - http://www.mountainheath.com/
Chester LabNet - Offers inorganic analysis of air samples, including source emissions, ambient and indoor air, with filters available for personal use. Lists methods, and customer services available in Tigard, OR. - http://www.chesterlab.net
Pacific Analytical, Inc. - Specialist in low level analyses for volatile and semivolatile organics, pesticides/herbicides, PCBs, dioxins by GC, GCMS, and HRGCMS. Offers methods development for waters, soils, organic matrices in Carlsbad, CA. - http://www.pacificanalyticalinc.com/
National Analytical Laboratories, Inc. - Profile of testing and consulting company, with expertise in the mold, asbestos and lead industries. Includes home visits from Fair Oaks, CA. - http://www.nal1.com/
Mahaffey Laboratory Ltd. - Offering tests on drinking water, gas and oil wells,mine drainage and brine water analysis in Grampian, PA. - http://www.mahaffeylaboratory.com/
Groundwater Analytical, Inc. - Testing laboratory offering login and maintaining certification in several states, besides their base in Buzzards Bay, MA. - http://www.groundwateranalytical.com/
QC Laboratories - Offers analysis of drinking water, swimming pools, lakes, streams, soil samples, including microbiological testing. Based in Southampton, PA. - http://www.qclaboratories.com/
Mobile Labs - Offer analysis of hydrocarbons and inorganics in oil, water and air, with mobile service from Giddings,TX. - http://www.mobilelabs.com/
Columbia Analytical Services - CAS Labs offer testing of water, soil, tissue and air for PCBs, dioxins, and organic compounds, though a network of laboratories located throughout the USA. - http://www.caslab.com/
PEL Laboratories Inc. - PEL performs laboratory analyses for organic and inorganic compounds in surface water, groundwater, wastewater, air, soil, sludge, and various wastes from Tampa, FL. - http://www.pelab.com/
McCampbell Analytical, Inc. - Environmental laboratory specializing in testing of drinking water, effluent, solids, air and hazardous waste for a wide variety of organics, inorganics and metallic contaminants. - http://www.mccampbell.com
Environmental Monitoring and Technologies, Inc. - Specialists available by email, with downloadable chain of custody form, overview of water and air analyses, covering particulates, inorganics and organic toxins, using mobile services, and at their laboratory in Morton Grove, IL. - http://www.emt.com/
ACZ Laboratories, Inc. - Offer state compliant analytical testing, for inorganic and organic contaminants, such as mine and surface water quality and mercury in biota tissue. Details of organization and techniques range, with PDF downloads on chain of custody and statement of qua - http://www.acz.com/
Soilpro Technical Services Sdn Bhd. - Schedule of tests for soil properties applied to geotechnical engineering, rates in RM and strategy of company at Selangot, Malaysia. - http://soilpro.com.my/
Phase Separation Science, Inc. - A full service commercial environmental testing laboratory analyzing soil, water, waste and air samples with rapid turnaround available. In Baltimore, Maryland, serving customers nationwide. - http://www.phaseonline.com/index.html
Quantum Laboratories, Inc. - A full-service analytical chemistry laboratory specializing in environmental analysis and industrial testing and offering tap-water testing and online reports. - http://www.quantumlaboratories.com
Western Analytical Laboratories, Inc. - Details of tests on metal finishing plating baths, soil, hazardous waste, wastewater and drinking water, including coliform bacteria at labs in Chino, CA. - http://www.wal.cc/
Lab for Environmental Analysis - Provides of environmental samples and contaminants to the University of Georgia campus and the state. - http://www.uga.edu/lea/
New Age / Landmark - The largest mobile laboratory services company in the midwestern United States. - http://www.newagelandmark.com
Northeast Technical Services - Environmental analytical laboratory specializing in construction materials testing, and water/wastewater treatment plant. - http://www.netechnical.com
Con-Test Analytical Laboratory - Analyses, pricing, turmaround and client login for accredition in six states, and based in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts. - http://www.contestlabs.com
Oxford Laboratory, Inc. - Provides EPA certified testing for regulatory samples in the areas of wastewater, drinking water, and air emissions. - http://www.oxfordlaboratory.com
WSH Laboratories Ltd. - Services include testing of domestic wells and surface water supplies, as well as pollution monitoring and other specialized projects. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. - http://www.wshlabs.com
New England Testing Laboratory, Inc. - Details of quality assurance, for reporting volatile hydrocarbons, semivolatile organics and metals in soil, water and air from NELAP-certified laboratory on Rhode Island, NJ. - http://newenglandtesting.com/
DataChem Laboratories, Inc. - Provider of analytical testing for environmental and industrial hygiene services describes its capabilities. Several U.S. locations, including Salt Lake City. - http://www.datachem.com/
Environmental Science Corp. - Lists certications in Eastern States, with twelve client support centers and laboratory in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. - http://www.envsci.com/
Alta Analytical Perspectives - Specialists in the ultratrace analysis of dioxin and persistant organic pollutants in Wilmington, North Carolina. - http://www.ultratrace.com
Spectra Laboratories - Analytical and environmental testing of drinking water, wastewater, soils, petroleum products. Serving the Pacific Northwest. - http://www.spectra-lab.com/
Accutest - Environmental analytical and testing services. Based in New Jersey. - http://www.accutest.com/
TriMatrix Laboratories, Inc. - Corporate information, federal services, including analysis of water, soil, sediment and air samples submitted to their labs at Grand Rapids, MI. - http://www.trimatrixlabs.com/
LA Testing - Analytical laboratory providing environmental testing to determine the presence of asbestos or lead in air, bulk, dust, soil, and water, for residential, governmental, and corporate clients. NVLAP, CA-ELAP, TX-DOH and AZ-DOH accredited. - http://www.latesting.com/
Spectrum Laboratories Inc. - Provides services to the environmental, municipal, industrial, and research communities for detecting and monitoring pollution. - http://www.speclab.com/
Phoenix Environmental Laboratories, Inc. - Connecticut facility offers high quality testing of soils, water, sludge, and solids meeting EPA and state environmental and health department requirements. - http://www.phoenixlabs.com/
Zalco Laboratories Inc - Specializing in the analyses of petroleum and gas, organics, inorganics, fish bioassay, hazardous waste and drinking water. EPA certified full service analytical testing laboratory in Bakersfield, CA. - http://www.zalcolabs.com/
New Jersey Analytical Laboratories - New Jersey state certified, full service environmental laboratory committed to providing accurate analytical services to the residential and commercial communities, from well testing to remediation projects. - http://www.njal.com
Prairie Analytical Systems, Inc - An environmental testing laboratory in Springfield, Illinois. - http://www.prairieanalytical.com
Air Toxics Ltd. - California facility specializing in analysis of environmental air samples, including ambient air, source emissions, soil and landfill gas, and indoor air, for federal, state and private industrial projects nationwide. Site includes extensive information a - http://www.airtoxics.com/
Torrent Laboratory, Inc. - State certified environmental laboratory offers analysis of waste water, solid waste, and storm water. Also specializes in printed circuit board manufacturing, plating process analyses, and metal finishing plating bath analysis. - http://www.torrentlab.com
New England ChromaChem - Environmental testing laboratory dedicated to customer service. Fast, reliable analytical testing. Massachusetts Certified Environmental Testing Lab # MA072. - http://www.chromachem.com
Accurate Labs - An environmental laboratory primarily serving municipal and industrial clients in Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas. Provides analytical support for all projects involving waste water, drinking water, ground water, soil, and sludge. - http://www.accuratelabs.com/