Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation - Publishes original papers on British Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera and other European insects. - http://www.hnhs.org/mothgroup/erjv/
Thysanopteron - Concentrates on information about worldwide entomology. Showcases editorial data, author guidelines and latest issues. - http://thysanopteron.net
Journal of Insect Science - Publishes papers on all aspects of the insect and arthropod biology, from the molecular to the ecological. - http://insectscience.org/
European Journal of Entomology - An international peer reviewed journal that covers general, experimental, systematic and applied entomology. - http://www.eje.cz/
International Journal of Systematic Entomology - Publishes original papers on scientific and applied entomology, arachnology and aracology. - http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/alphabeticIndex/2224/
Review of Agricultural Entomology - Searchable database which covers pests that affect field and horticultural crops, forest trees and plant products. - http://www.cabi-publishing.org/journals/Abstract/RAE/
Bulletin of the Natural History Museum - Journals that highlight botany, entomology, geology and zoology. Site includes pricing details. - http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?historylinks=SUBJ&mnemonic=BEN
MedBioWorld's Entomology Journals - Searchable database of links to entomology and plant protection journals. - http://www.medbioworld.com/journals/insect.html
Annual Review of Entomology - Table of contents, abstracts, purchasing information and data about the journal. - http://ento.annualreviews.org/