FASEB Career Resources - This page offers descriptions of career alternatives in the scientific fields with links to many resources - https://ns2.faseb.org/careerweb/
American Physiological Society - News, membership and society information, and announcements for journals, conferences, and awards. - http://www.the-aps.org/
Physiology Health Web - Links to information on the physiology of health related issues. - http://healthweb.org/browse.cfm?subjectid=76
Liver Research Team - The Liver Sieve research group has an interest in the fine vessels of the liver.These pages describe some of the background, findings and publications arising from this work. - http://www.chmeds.ac.nz/research/liversievefl/
Physiology Educational Research Consortium - Nationwide network of physiology educators dedicated to improving life science education in general and physiology education in particular by conducting research, developing new educational materials and techniques, and educating faculty. - http://www.physiologyeducation.org
Skeletal Muscle Laboratory, University of Toronto - Overview of current research relating to the computer modeling and understanding of muscle architecture, as well as laboratory information, contacts, and publications. - http://dante.med.utoronto.ca/skeletalmuscle/index.htm
PhysioNet - Free access via the web to large collections of recorded physiologic signals and related open-source software. - http://www.physionet.org/
Hardin Laboratory, University of Missouri - Vascular biology laboratory studying physiology, biochemistry and biophysics of smooth muscle; information about research, staff and students, and publications. - http://web.missouri.edu/~physch/hardinpg.htm
Laboratory of Dexterous Manipulation - Sensorimotor control of dexterous behavior in humans from UmeƄ Univ., Sweden. - http://www.humanneuro.physiol.umu.se/
National Resource for Cell Analysis and Modeling - A national resource center supported by the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), at the National Institutes of Health (NIH); portal to the Virtual Cell, including recent publications and applications of the software. - http://www.nrcam.uchc.edu/
The Society of General Physiologists - Created to "promote interdisciplinary research and education into how living organisms function." Includes news, awards information and recipients, a link to the Journal of General Physiology, and conference announcements. - http://www.emory.edu/CELLBIO/SGP/sgp.htm
Baer's Physiology Site - Very educational human physiology site containing online lectures, slides, computerized clinical cases, and other informative features for physiology students and health professionals. - http://www.ursa.kcom.edu