Frontline: Silent Spring Revisited - Discusses how supporters and critics assess Carson's influential book. From the Web site of the PBS TV series Frontline. -
Smithsonian Magazine: Sounding the Alarm - Assesses the influence of "Silent Spring" forty years later: "It forever changed our view of the environment." -
Reason Online: "Silent Spring" at 40 - Finds the legacy of the book "troubling," particularly in regard to carcinogenic effects of pesticides. -
Rachel Carson - Al Gore's introduction to the 1994 edition of "Silent Spring." -
National Wildlife: How Rachel Carson Helped Save the Brown Pelican - Tells how the coastal brown pelican survived as a result of Carson's success in warning of pesticides' danger to wildlife. From National Wildlife magazine. -
FrontPage Magazine: Rachel Carson's Ecological Genocide - Argues that "Silent Spring" resulted in countless deaths from malaria and other diseases by causing reduced use of DDT. -