Wisconsin rapid cycling Brassica oleracea mutagenesis - Plants are a cost effective, easy and exciting way to bring biology and genetics into the classroom. We have developed an array of interesting mutants as a tool for teaching genetics and development using a rapidly growing variety of Brassica oleracea. Th - http://www.biochem.wisc.edu/brassicaclassroomgenetics/index.html
Warwick University Comparative Genome Browser - A Brassica-centric Ensembl genome browser providing comparative analyses between Arabidopsis and the 3 diploid Brassica crop genomes. - http://ensembl.warwick.ac.uk
EC/PGR Brassica Database - Find details of Brassica germplasm stored in European gene banks - http://www.cgn.wur.nl/pgr/collections/brasedb/
Brassica rapa Genome Project - Describes current progress on sequencing Brassica rapa and published results - http://www.brassica-rapa.org
The Multinational Brassica Genome Project - Provides information about research into Brassica crops, and links to genetics and genomics resources - http://www.brassica.info