Podospora Anserina Genome Project - Information pertaining to its biology and usage in genetic experiments. Includes genome data and research methods. - http://podospora.igmors.u-psud.fr/
Phycomyces - Offers an introduction, genome data, research protocols and methods, recent papers, and a bibliography. - http://www.es.embnet.org/~genus/phycomyces.html
Fungal Genetics Stock Center - Features the center history, catalog and fees, genes and symbols used, availability of strains, and newsletter . - http://www.fgsc.net/
Fungal Genome Resource - A repository of information and services to assist the fungal genomics community. Includes physical maps, sequence data, ongoing projects, and related links. - http://gene.genetics.uga.edu/
The Neurospora Genome Project - Represents an effort to obtain partial or complete nucleotide sequences from a large number of cDNA clones derived from conidial, mycelial, and perithecial libraries of N.crassa. - http://biology.unm.edu/biology/ngp/home.html
Genetics and Microbiology Research Group - Molecular biology of Pleurotus ostreatus and functional analysis of its genome. Features a genetic linkage map and publications. - http://www.unavarra.es/genmic
Candida Albicans Information - Aims are to build a complete physical map of the chromosomes. Includes recent data from the project, physical map, sequence data, and related links . - http://alces.med.umn.edu/Candida.html