Wildlife Genetics International - Performs custom genetic analysis of samples for researchers, managers and breeders. Services include identification of individuals, gender analysis and parentage certification. Based in Nelson, Canada. - http://wildlifegenetics.ca/
Integrated Primate Biomaterial and Information Resource - IPBIR - Assemble, characterize, and distribute high-quality Primate DNA samples of known provenance with accompanying demographic, geographic, and behavioral information. Includes taxonomy browser. - http://www.ipbir.org/
Institute of Experimental Genetics - Focus on the functional analysis of the mammalian genome. Features research areas and groups, staff members, and related links. - http://www.gsf.de/ieg/
Veterinary Genetics Lab - Resource DNA-based diagnostic techniques for domestic and wildlife species and animal diseases .From the School of Veterinary Medicine,University of California . - http://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/
Mammalian Genetics and Genomics - The generation, mapping, and functional analysis of mouse models for human genetic diseases. Includes research programs, news, and staff profiles. From the Oak Ridge National Laboratory . - http://bio.lsd.ornl.gov/mgd/