Xenopus Laevis - Database focusing on gene expression in the frog, xenopus laevis. Includes pictorial representations and expression domains. - http://www.dkfz-heidelberg.de/molecular_embryology/axeldb.htm
Frog Genetics: Xenopus Tropicalis Jumps into the Future - Article which explains why amphibian embryos are one of the favoured systems for elucidating the mechanisms of early development. - http://faculty.virginia.edu/xtropicalis/overview/amaya.html
Salamander Genome Project - Development of expressed sequence tags (ESTS) and a comprehensive genome map. Includes project overview, linkage maps, and conserved syntenies . - http://salamander.uky.edu/
Indiana University Axolotl Colony - Genetic stock center for supply of embryos, larvae, and adults to laboratories and classrooms throughout the United States and abroad. Includes history, news, and personnel. - http://www.indiana.edu/~axolotl/