Ceratolejeunea - Characteristics of this genus of about 50 species. - http://www.mobot.org/plantscience/bfna/V3/LejeCeratolejeunea.htm
Lejeuneaceae - Characteristics of this large family containing about 75 genera and 1000 species. - http://www.mobot.org/plantscience/bfna/V3/LejeLejeuneaceae.htm
Marchesinia mackaii - A description of the habitat in which this species grows in Wales, along with a photograph of the gametophyte. - http://home.clara.net/adhale/bryos/mmackii.htm
Cololejeunea minutissima - A description of the habitat in which this species grows in Wales, along with a photograph of the gametophyte. - http://home.clara.net/adhale/bryos/colminut.htm