Vibrio parahaemolyticus - Information on this pathogen, the symptoms and duration of the illness it causes and the foods incriminated. -
Vibrio - Information from Wikipedia on these gram-negative bacteria, their pathogenic strains and non-pathogenic strains and their classification. -
Legionella: Detection and Identification Methods - Photomicrograph of this bacterium and information useful to those needing to identify it. -
Legionella - Information from Wikipedia on these gram-negative bacteria, their pathogenesis and the control of potential sources of the disease. -
Campylobacter jejuni - Information on this pathogen, the symptoms and duration of the illness it causes and likely sources of the bacterium. -
Campylobacter: Detection and Identification Methods - Photomicrograph of this bacterium and information useful to those needing to incubate and identify it. -
Campylobacter - Information from Wikipedia on this group of gram-negative bacteria that can cause food poisoning, their classification, genome and pathogenesis. -
Pseudomonas putida - Information on this diverse group of gram-negative bacteria, with a video from the Microbiology Video Library. -
Pseudomonas - Information from Wikipedia on this group of bacteria, their history, characteristics, taxonomy, pathogenicity and uses. -
Azotobacter - Information on these soil-dwelling bacteria, with a video from the Microbiology Video Library. -
Typhoid and Paratyphoid - Information on Salmonella typhus and other Salmonella species, the symptoms and duration of the illnesses they cause when ingested and the foods incriminated. -
Salmonella - Information on this pathogen, the symptoms and duration of the illness it causes and the foods incriminated. -
Shigella - Information on this pathogen, the symptoms and duration of the bacillary dysentry it causes, the foods incriminated and control measures. -
Escherichia coli - Information on this pathogen, often known as E. coli, the symptoms and duration of the illness it causes and the foods incriminated. -
Salmonella: Detection and Identification Methods - Photomicrograph of this bacterium and information useful to those needing to identify it. -
Yersinia pestis - Kristi Taylor provides information on the organism responsible for the Black Death, its classification, its hosts, the several forms of the disease and its outcome, with or without treatment. -
Bordetella pertussis - Britten Wolf provides information on this bacillus, the causal agent of Whooping Cough, and on the disease itself. -
Proteobacteria - Information from Wikipedia on this phylum of gram-negative bacteria, now divided by rRNA sequencing into five divisions, alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon. -
Chondromyces crocatus: The Bacterium that Wanted to be a Fungus - Photographs and information on this species which grows on dung, where individuals mass together and appear to produce fruitbodies similar to a fungus. -