The Scientist: Hot-Vent Microbes: Looking Backward In Evolution For Future Uses - Summary of research into the scientific uses of thermophiles and their heat-tolerant enzymes, such as PCR (polymerase chain reactions), toxic waste cleanup, and biomedical processes. [Free registration required] -
Microbe from Depths Takes Life to Hottest Known Limit - A newly discovered organism thrives near deep-sea ocean vents at temperatures up to 121C, living off dissolved iron. Images, video, and links to related research. Press release from the National Science Foundation. -
Nevada Hot Springs: Microbial Interactions and Processes - Research proposal for a study of the ecological functions and implications of CO2 fixation by chemolithoautotrophic alkalithermophilic Crenarchaeota. Includes long list of references. -
Joint Genome Institute: Why Sequence Crenarchaeota? - Brief discussion of the importance of these deep-sea plankton, and of the benefits to be gained by understanding their genome. -
Archaeal Diversity - Summary of research on non-thermophilic Crenarchaea in soil ecology. -