Weddell Seal: Leptonychotes weddelli - Information on this Antarctic species, with photographs and vocal samples. -
Grey Seal - Photographs and notes on this species, its biology and reproduction. -
Pagophilus groenlandicus - Photographs and information on the harp seal including its range, habitat, description, reproduction, behavior and impact on man and the environment. -
Harp Seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus) - Description and behavior of this species, its world range and habitat, its ecology and life history, with comments on how it is hunted and other factors influencing its population size. -
Harp Seal (Phoca groenlandica) - The Seal Conservation Society provides information on this species also known as Pagophilus groenlandicus, its distribution and numbers, and its status under the Canadian, Norwegian and Russian hunts. - - Biology and conservation of the Mediterranean, Hawaiian, and Caribbean monk seals. -
Marine Mammal Research Consortium - Steller Sea Lions - Research on the relation between fisheries and Marine Mammals in the North Pacific Ocean and Eastern Bering Sea. Primary focus is the decline of the Steller sea lion population. -
Elephant Seal RadioCam - Provides current image of a rookery in central California and 70,000 images collected since April 1999. Also includes streaming videos in Spanish and English. -
Pinniped Factsheets - Biology and ecology of almost all the world's species. -
Seals and Sealions of the Falklands - Site offers maps, photographs and population data of Falklands seals and sealions. -
Online Zoologists: Pinnipeds - Includes an extensive list of species and information. -
Friends of the Elephant Seal - Includes information on friends of the elephant seal and the elephant seal colony at Piedras Blancas. -