Kinkajou - Information on this species including a description, behavior, prey, habitat, range, biology and threats. -
Olingo - Information from Wikipedia on this group of arboreal procyonids in the genus Bassaricyon. -
Raccoon (Procyon lotor) - Photographs of this species and information on its biology, the damage raccoons can cause and what can be done to control them. -
Procyon lotor - Extensive resource for facts about the raccoon's distribution, breeding, social organization, habitat, cover requirements, and food habits. -
Raccoon (Procyon lotor) - Facts about this mammal's range, habitat, physical traits, diet, reproduction, and behavior. Includes a photo and range map. -
Ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) - Physical traits, habitat, diet, and reproduction of this species. -
White-nosed Coati (Nasua narica) - Physical description and habits of this mammal. Includes a photo. -
Procyonidae - About the raccoon family, which includes raccoons, cacomistles, coatimundis, kinkajous, and olingos. -
Gable's Raccoon World - Extensive information and resources on: care, feeding, rehabbing baby raccoons; photographs; raccoon rabies, roundworm and distemper; pest problems; raccoon screensaver, wallpaper and coloring book; scientific, fun facts, and common myths. -
The World Wide Raccoon Web - An online resource for anyone interested in raccoons (Procyon lotor). It contains stories, facts and information, a bibliography of raccoon literature, and a library of raccoon images and sounds. -