Weasel: Mustela nivalis - Photograph and notes on this species, its habits, reproduction and diet. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/wildfacts/factfiles/202.shtml
Mustelids - Information on the badgers and skunks of the Sonoran Desert including their distinguishing features, habitat, feeding and life history. - http://www.desertmuseum.org/books/nhsd_mustelids.php
Stoat: Mustela erminea - Factsheet on this species, its habits and its interactions with man. - http://www.yptenc.org.uk/docs/factsheets/animal_facts/stoat.html
Polecat: Mustela putorius - Factsheet on this species, its habits and its interactions with man. - http://www.yptenc.org.uk/docs/factsheets/animal_facts/pole_cat.html
Pine Marten - Factsheet on Martes martes, its habits and the protection it needs. - http://www.yptenc.org.uk/docs/factsheets/animal_facts/pinemarten.html
Mustelidae - Articles and links for many different species from Suite101. - http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/mustelidae/
Wolverine Foundation - Information about the status and ecological role of the Wolverine (Gulo gulo). - http://www.wolverinefoundation.org/