Great Hammerhead Shark - Photographs and video clips of this species and information on its biology and status. -
Chain Dogfish: Scyliorhinus retifer - Drawing of this small species, its description and information on its range. -
Smooth Dogfish: Mustelus canis - Drawing of this species and its teeth, its description and information on its habits and range. -
Shovelhead: Sphyrna tiburo - Drawing of this species, also known as the bonnet head shark, its description and information on its range. -
Common Hammerhead: Sphyrna zygaena - Drawings of this shark, its teeth and its head from below, and information on its appearance and range. -
Tiger Shark: Galeocerdo cuvier - Drawing of this species, also known as the leopard shark, and its teeth, its description and information on its habits and range. -
Brown Shark: Carcharhinus milberti - Description of this species, also known as the sandbar shark, and information on its range and occurrence in the Gulf of Maine. -
Dusky Shark: Carcharhinus obscurus - Drawings of this species and its teeth, its description and information on its habits and range. -
Blue Shark: Prionace glauca - Drawing of this species and its teeth, its description and information on its habits and range. -
Carcharhiniformes - Information from Wikipedia on this large order of sharks. -
Bull Shark - Description and natural history of Carcharhinus leucas from the Animal Diversity Web. -
Tiger Shark Research - A description of the research being done on sharks at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology. -