A Gallery of British Ants - Photographs of Lasius flavus and three species of Myrmica. - http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artmay98/mayimg3.html
Ant from the Antipodes - Photograph of an ant from Australia with enlargements of its foot and mandibles. - http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/art97/ellsant.html
ant's sandbox - Pictures and information about ants, especially Thai Tree Ants (Crematogaster Rogenhoferir). Live web-cam pictures and details of an ambitious free-standing formicarium. - http://ants.kilobox.net/
Online Catalog of Ants of North America - Comprehensive resource includes nomenclature (scientific names), natural history, genus-level identification guide, and annotated bibliography. - http://www.cs.unc.edu/~hedlund/ants/
Ants of Cachoeira Nature Reserve - Extensive information about the ants in this reserve in ParanĂ¡, Brazil by Jochen Bihn. Includes high-resolution images of specimens. - http://www.ants-cachoeira.net
Japanese Ants Color Image Database - A guide to Japanese ants and their taxonomy, as well as general information about ants. Available in English and Japanese. - http://ant.edb.miyakyo-u.ac.jp/E/
Smithsonian Magazine - Small Matters - Illustrated article about how leafcutter ants learned to grow fungi. - http://www.smithsonianmag.com/issues/2002/may/matters.php
Notes From Underground - Illustrated articles on ant biology, behavior, and ecology. - http://www.notesfromunderground.org/
Ant Colonies - Describes how various species organize their society. Includes facts on feeding, communication, and government. - http://www.antcolonies.net/
Ants of Borneo - Includes introduction to this family of ants, species list, and identification keys. - http://homepage.mac.com/aenictus/AntsofBorneo.htm
The Secret Life of Ants - Discusses the architecture of ant nests, the growth of the colony, and the behavior of various species. - http://www.discover.com/issues/nov-03/features/the-secret-life-of-ants/
Ants of West Africa and the Congo Basin - An electronic book by Brian Taylor covering geography and history, ant mosaics, economic importance of ants, biodiversity and niches, and taxonomy. - http://antbase.org/ants/africa/
The Pharaoh Ant - Ohio State University Extension Factsheet on the pharaoh ant, and how it has established itself as a nuisance in hospitals, rest homes, and day care centers. - http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2136.html
Carpenter Ants - University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension in Lancaster County factsheet on carpenter ants--their behavior and control. - http://lancaster.unl.edu/enviro/pest/factsheets/004-97.htm
Ant Baits: A least toxic control - University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension in Lancaster County factsheet on using baits to control ants found indoors. - http://lancaster.unl.edu/enviro/pest/factsheets/267-95.htm
Ant Control - University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension in Lancaster County factsheet on controlling ants found in and around the home. - http://lancaster.unl.edu/enviro/pest/factsheets/003-97.htm
Camponotus pennsylvanicus - North American carpenter ant. - http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Camponotus_pennsylvanicus.html
Army Ants - Offers facts regarding the Army ant's feeding habits and social structure. - http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eciton_burchelli.html
White-Footed Ants - Biology, identification and control of white-footed ants. - http://www.pestproducts.com/white_footed_ants.htm
Red Harvester Ants - Description, pest control, management, and the effect of the diminishing red harvester ant population on the Texas horned lizard which is a protected threatened species. - http://insects.tamu.edu/extension/bulletins/l-5314.html
Ants of the Southwest - A large collection of photos of ants in their natural habit in Arizona. Photos are divided by species. - http://www.tightloop.com/ants/
Ant Identification - Illustrations and key from the University of Nebraska for indentification of common one-node and two-node ants. - http://lancaster.unl.edu/enviro/ants/
Ant News - Links to recent scientific research papers about ants and other social insects. - http://pogonomyrmex.blogspot.com/
Myrm's Ant Nest - The basics of myrmecology (the study of ants), concentrating on species found in the British Isles. - http://www.antnest.co.uk/
AntWeb - Extensive information about the ants of California and Madagascar from the California Academy of Sciences. Includes browsable and searchable high-resolution images of specimens. - http://www.antweb.org/
Lurker's Guide to Leafcutter Ants - A guide to the leafcutter ants (Atta, Acromyrmex), including biology, research, care, and images. - http://www.blueboard.com/leafcutters/
Argentine Ants - Information about Linepithema humile, one of the world's most invasive ant species, in New Zealand. - http://www.forest-bird.org.nz/biosecurity/argentineants.asp
Myrmecos.net - Close-up images of ants and other insects by Alex Wild. - http://www.myrmecos.net/
Ants of the Cowling Arboretum and McKnight Prairie, Carleton College - This is a presentation of the research being done at the Cowling Arboretum, with general information on how to collect, identify and study ants. - http://www.acad.carleton.edu/curricular/BIOL/resources/ant/
The Ant Farm - A personal site with links to information about ants, including keeping them as pets. Includes FAQ and message board. - http://alpha.zimage.com/~ant/
New World Army Ants - A review of army ants of the new world. Includes maps and keys. - http://www.armyants.org/
Ants of Costa Rica - John Longino's article about Costa Rican ants, as well as information on how to interpret the names of ant species and how to properly mount ant specimens for museum use. - http://www.evergreen.edu/ants/AntsofCostaRica.html
USDA Areawide Suppression of Fire Ants - Information on fire ant control in the USA, including biology, chemical and biological controls, publications, contacts, and distribution maps. - http://fireant.ifas.ufl.edu/
Solenopsis invicta - Imported Fire Ant. - http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/solenopsis/s._invicta$narrative.html
Ant Photo Library - Commercial photo archive offers images of Australian and international insect, wildlife, landscapes and plants. Browse a full listing of subjects. - http://www.antphoto.com.au
Ecology - Displacement of Native Ants - Research paper printed in 1999 investigates the causes behind Argentine ant invasions. - http://www.findarticles.com/m2120/1_80/53870326/p1/article.jhtml
Interesting Facts About Ants - Provides general information about ants, such as body structure, life span, and life cycle. - http://www.lingolex.com/ants.htm
Ant Colony Cycle - View photos and read explanations of the life and building cycle of an ant colony. Click on the images for additional details. - http://research.amnh.org/entomology/social_insects/ants/ant_colony_cycle.html
Imported Fire Ant - Frequently asked questions about Fire Ants from University of Texas. - http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~gilbert/research/fireants/faq.html
Australian Ants Online - Guide to the Australian ant fauna. Biology, species list, identification keys, and descriptions. - http://www.ento.csiro.au/science/ants/
Imported Fire Ants - Biology of Imported Fire ants and control techniques for lawns and turf from University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. - http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/LH059
Photos of ants - Photo encyclopedia of various ants showing their biology and habits. - http://ant.edb.miyakyo-u.ac.jp/INTRODUCTION/Gakken79E/Page_02.html
Behavior of ants - Facts concerning ant trails and foraging behavior. - http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~mdorigo/ACO/RealAnts.html
Red Imported Fire Ant - History, biology and control of the Red Imported Fire Ant , an IPM pest fact sheet. - http://ipmworld.umn.edu/chapters/lockley.htm
A Checklist of the Ants of Michigan - The taxonomy of the 113 ant species recorded in Michigan, with an introduction describing the history of Michigan myrmecology. - http://insects.ummz.lsa.umich.edu/fauna/MICHANTS.html