PBS Science and Technology TeacherSource - Lesson plans, online activities, classroom resources, and professional development projects. - http://www.pbs.org/teachers/sciencetech/
Project GROWS - Genetic Research on Western Salmon provides protocols for high school students to use molecular techniques to do authentic genetic research on endangered salmon populations, as well as distinguishing Pacific native from non-native mussels. Student data ca - http://grows.ups.edu/
Course World: Biology - A research tool for high school teachers and students. Includes lesson plans, links to other sites, tests. Hosted in Canada. - http://www.courseworld.com/bhome.html
Higher Order Thinking in Teaching Science - AP biology and laboratories, with emphasis on genetics, evolutionary biochemistry, animal physiology, and unique Amphioxus model system. - http://members.shaw.ca/donlockwood/
Woodsy Owl Activity Guide - A collection of outdoors related activities for children, based on national science standards (U.S.). - http://www.fs.fed.us/spf/woodsy/activity.html
Positively Aging - This curriculum includes lesson plans and activities for teaching at high school level. Many subject areas can be taught using aging as the central theme. - http://teachhealthk-12.uthscsa.edu/
Sun Safety For Kids - Guide for developing school or camp sun safety programs. Includes legislation, links, and articles about aspects of sun safety. - http://www.sunsafetyforkids.org
Animalearn - Dissection alternatives and humane educational materials. Offers frequently-asked questions about animals in education, myths about dissection, and links. - http://www.animalearn.org
Everglades Educational Resources - K-6 curriculum-based environmental education programs and classroom resources, including information about the Everglades ecosystem. - http://www.nps.gov/ever/ed/index.htm
AT&T Enrich Biology Lessons - These 85 Biology lessons were developed by public and Catholic High School biology teachers in the Chicago area. Lesson plans available in pdf format for biochemistry, cells, DNA and genetics, ecology, evolution, human biology, ethics, taxonomy, and tool - http://www.officeport.com/enrich/lessons/index.htm
Candy War - A laboratory analysis of two popular candies: M&Ms and Smarties. The analyses are appropriate for a high school or lower undergraduate audience. - http://www-class.unl.edu/biochem/aspp_candy/candywar.htm
Laboratory Exercises - Biochemistry - From the biochemistry department at the University of Nebraska. A semester of labs dealing with plant pigments. Suitable for undergraduate biology, chemistry of biochemistry classes. Includes both student lab assignments and instructor notes. HTML and - http://www-class.unl.edu/biochem/labs/
Access Excellence - Contains current science news items, teachers' exchange, and science labs. - http://www.accessexcellence.org/
Spinneret GCSE Biology site - Interactive worksheets and teaching notes with graphics. Subscription required; currently free. - http://web.ukonline.co.uk/webwise/spinneret/
QEC - Science Education - A diverse set of resources for science students and science educators dedicated to improving learning outcomes. Includes lesson plans for some areas of biology. - http://www.qeced.net
Texas State Aquarium Teacher Resource Site - Download a marine biology lesson plan, a classroom activity or have your students play an educational game - http://www.aquariumteacher.com/
Gondar Design Biology - On-line lessons written by a biology teacher (Nigel Purchon) covering many topics. Site is most useful for UK students, but of use to others also. - http://www.purchon.com/biology/
FOR SEA Institute of Marine Science - Award-winning hands-on/minds-on activities, lessons,instructional materials, and resources for teaching science through the marine environment. - http://www.forsea.org
Biology Projects/Exercises - Biology projects and student exercises with the emphasis on different forms of microscopy and the interpretation of images. Light microscopy and SEM images available for download. - http://science.exeter.edu/jekstrom/default.html
BioMedia Associates - Microscopy, closeups, dissections, animations, videos and multimedia of the living world. Materials are for classroom use by students and teachers. Some products are advertised. - http://ebiomedia.com/