Leipzig Canopy Crane Project - Research projects, publications, brief history of canopy access techniques, and photographs. [English and German] - http://www.uni-leipzig.de/leipzigcanopycrane/lak/index.htm
The Swiss Canopy Crane Project - Overview, photographs, and contact information. Near Basel, Switzerland. - http://pages.unibas.ch/botschoen/scc/index.shtml
STRI: Canopy Crane Access Systems - Information about the systems at Metropolitan Nature Park of Panama City and at Fort Sherman on Panama's Atlantic coast, including specifications, regulations, and fees. - http://www.stri.org/english/research/facilities/terrestrial/cranes/index.php
Australian Canopy Crane Research Facility - Research portfolio and brochure [PDF], application to use the crane, and a virtual tour including construction of the crane, flora and fauna, views, and researchers. Cape Tribulation, Queensland. - http://www.jcu.edu.au/canopycrane/
Surumoni Project - Research projects, publications, and study site information. Austrian Academy of Sciences project, La Esmeralda, Orinoco Basin, Venezuela. - http://www.oeaw.ac.at/klivv/surumoni/welcome.html
Canopy Crane Bird Point Counts - Amateur birder assists in bird surveys from the crane at the Wind River Experimental Forest, Washington. Photographs. - http://donb.furfly.net/canopy_crane.html
Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility - Educational lifts and interactive trail, no public access. Crane details and photographs, research database, and links. Washington. - http://depts.washington.edu/wrccrf/