Pest Diagnostic Clinic - Provides plant disease diagnoses, nematode counts, and insect and plant identifications. Contains information on submission of samples, fact sheets, and guidelines on nematode and Verticillium (in soil) control. -
BIOREBA - Offers antibodies and ELISA kits for detecting virus pathogens in potatoes, grapevines, fruit trees, small fruits, ornamentals, vegetables, and field crops. -
Centre for Innovation and Development in Plant Health - Center at the University of Girona dedicated to research, technology transfer, training and consulting in detection, identification and control of plant pathogens. -
LOEWE Phytodiagnostica - Offers high-quality reagents for the detection of plant diseases, and diagnostic testing services. -
Agritest - Provide diagnostic kits and related products for plant virus detection and diagnosis. -