What Tree is it? - Tree identification. Especially useful way to work from the shapes of leaves. - http://www.oplin.org/tree/index.html
About.com - A Tree Leaf Key - A quick leaf guide for identification of over 50 common North American trees. - http://forestry.about.com/library/treekey/bltree_key_id_start.htm
Fact Sheets for 680 Trees - Descriptions, illustrations, US range maps, and cultivation of cultivated species from around the world. - http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/trees/
Dendrology at Virginia Tech - Includes ID keys and fact sheets on over 450 species of wild and cultivated trees in the eastern USA. - http://www.cnr.vt.edu/dendro/dendrology/main.htm
Plant Kaleidoscope - Large image gallery of cultivated woody plants in Europe. - http://www.biologie.uni-ulm.de/systax/dendrologie/
Palm Tree Photo Gallery - Over a thousand photographs of palms from around the world. - http://www.junglemusic.net/palmgallery.htm
SelecTree for California - A tree database for California. Includes non native trees. - http://selectree.calpoly.edu/
Basics of Tree ID - A basic guide to identifying trees. Describes leaves, fruits, barks, with many images. - http://www.fw.vt.edu/dendro/forsite/Idtree.htm
Twig Identification Test - Interactive identification of leafless twigs and axillary buds. For the trees and shrubs of Ontario. - http://gaia.flemingc.on.ca/~dhendry/nrtwitst.htm
Foliage Identification Test - An interactive guide to identifying trees and shrubs of Ontario. Image intensive. - http://gaia.flemingc.on.ca/~dhendry/nrlfid.htm
Introduction to Tree Identification - A resource for beginners and others. Includes a collection of descriptive graphics showing leaves, and buds, with notes. - http://gaia.flemingc.on.ca/~dhendry/trelec.htm