DNA-Chip Analyzer - Provides model based microarray normalization software as well as introductory information and a collection of links to raw affymetrix data. - http://biosun1.harvard.edu/complab/dchip/
UCT NBN Microarray Portal - Access to resources and facilities at the University of Cape Town. - http://cbio.uct.ac.za/arrayportal/
5th Australian Microarray Conference - Sessions on advances in technologies, novel uses and bioinformatics held over three days in Adelaide, South Australia. - http://www.sapmea.asn.au/conventions/microarray/
Microarray Core Facility - Details of services, links to software and three-day workshops, at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. - http://microarray.okstate.edu/
Speed Berkeley Research Group - Papers, technical reports, presentations, and advice on microarray data analysis with an emphasis on affymetrix arrays. - http://stat-www.berkeley.edu/users/terry/Group/
Estarray - Bioinformatics and gene network research group at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. - http://www.estarray.org/
The Wistar Institute Genomics and Microarray Facility - Offers RNA isolation, hybridization, data analysis and DNA sequencing, cDNA arrays containing human, mouse or yeast genes for sale to academic and commercial users. Training in microarray methodology available at Philadelphia, PA. - http://www.wistar.upenn.edu/genomics/
MGED Open Source Projects - Software, ontology and mailing lists for the Microarray Gene Expression Data Society. - http://mged.sourceforge.net/
BioChipNet - Information on biochip technologies, based in Germany. - http://www.biochipnet.de/
Microarray Gene Expression Data Society - International organization of biologists, computer scientists, and analysts currently focusing on establishing standards for annotation and databases. Includes meeting calendar and links to ontology. - http://www.mged.org/
BioArray News - Subscription only content on microarrays; design, sales, techniques and the data they generate from resource based in New York. - http://www.bioarraynews.com/
Stanford Functional Genomics Facility - Resources for gene expression microarrays in model organisms. Offers gene expression analysis support for all academic institutions and non-profit research centers, besides researchers at SFGF, Stanford, CA. - http://www.microarray.org/
ImmunoChip - Microarrays for mouse immunology research, developed by Matthias Lorenz, at the Advanced Technology Center of the National Cancer Institute, and maintained by NIH, Bethesda, MD. - http://www.immunochip.nih.gov/
Gene Chips - "Monitoring the genome on a chip" - the basics about DNA microarray technology and a comprehensive list of academic and industrial links created and maintained by Leming Shi, Lawrenceville, NJ. - http://www.gene-chips.com/
MGuide Version 2.0 - Illustrated step-by-step assembly instructions to build a microrray. Includes protocols, downloadable documented software and discussion forum at the Brown Lab, Stanford University, CA. - http://cmgm.stanford.edu/pbrown/mguide/
Microarray Informatics Team - Established in May 2000, provides an introduction to cells, molecules, genes, functional genomics, microarray technology and applications. Projects include a public repository for array based gene expression data, with web-based tools for data submissions - http://www.ebi.ac.uk/microarray/