Zhen Huang's Laboratory - X-ray crystallography of selenium derivatization in DNA and RNA, enzymology of T7 RNA polymerase and ribozymes. Lists members, related links and contacts at Brooklyn College, New York City. - http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/chem/zhuang/
Schepartz Laboratory - Projects on intracellular interfacing of proteins and DNA, transcription factors, effects of viral attack and mimickery. Includes publications and member contacts at Yale, New Haven, Connecticut. - http://www.schepartzlab.yale.edu/
Molecular Modelling Group - Theory and methods of computational modeling, alphabetical software and database directory. Kraków, Poland. - http://awe.mol.uj.edu.pl/modmol/
Wang, Shaomeng - Includes a list of publications, grants, group members, overview of labs, former members, software, and reagent inventory, at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. - http://sw16.im.med.umich.edu/
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology - Introduction, history, openings, and projects in neurobiology, cell and structural biology, and protein and nucleic acid chemistry, in Cambridge, England. - http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/
Englund Laboratory - Studies on protozoan parasites, primarily African trypanosomes, with focus on kinetoplast DNA and surface proteins. Includes links to publications, collaborators and members at Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland. - http://biolchem.bs.jhmi.edu/Englund/index.htm
The HeliX group - Introduction to the X-ray crystallographic work on nucleic acid and protein structure. Includes poster presentations, publications list and profiles of staff in the Cardin laboratory, University of Reading, England. - http://www.helix.rdg.ac.uk/