Explore the Planet Mars
- Realistic, interactive, 3D walk-though of a Mars base designed for the first humans to land on Mars including a Mars habitat, greenhouse, Mars car and robot rovers.
- http://www.exploremarsnow.org/
Romance to Reality - moon & Mars expedition & settlement plans - http://www.marsinstitute.info/rd/faculty/dportree/rtr/
Clickworkers - Project helping NASA to date Martian land areas by counting craters. Information on how to participate. - http://clickworkers.arc.nasa.gov/
Russian Mars 96 Mission - Detailed description of failed Mars exploratory mission - http://www.iki.rssi.ru/mars96/
Mission to Mars IPRO - Reports on a project undertaken to design and plan a manned mission to Mars utilizing existing space technology and off the shelf components. Interdisciplinary effort by students from the Illinois Institute of Technology and the Chicago-Kent College of La - http://www.iit.edu/~mars/main.html
Polar Landing Site for a First Mars Expedition - Discusses the reasons why a site on the Martian pole might be the best place to land a first expedition to Mars. - http://www.sff.net/people/Geoffrey.Landis/pole.html
JPL Mars Exploration Program - Various sections: Extreme Planet, Follow the Water, Mars Rocks, Life on Mars?, The Martian Mystique and Just for Kids. - http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/