SFASU Observatory - General information, public viewing sessions information, free star charts, images, courses, and facility, equipment and instrumentation information. - http://www.physics.sfasu.edu/observatory/obs.htm
The Roseland Observatory - News, articles, events, classified, gallery, and observations and logs. - http://freespace.virgin.net/brian.sheen/default.htm
The Campus Teaching Observatory - History, activities, future plans, facilities and equipment information, public nights and schedules, and location. - http://astro.ufl.edu/Teachobs.html
Mount Graham International Observatory - Mission, visitor information, events, services, equipment and instrumentation information, and images. - http://mgpc3.as.arizona.edu/
The Warner and Swasey Observatory - News, online interface, references, gallery, data download, archive, and software. - http://astrwww.cwru.edu/
MSU - Howell Observatory - Observatory schedule, and description and images of the facilities. - http://www.msstate.edu/dept/physics/resources/observatory.php
The Kuiper Airborne Observatory - Facility and instrumentation information, images, and NASA patches made to mark events. - http://vathena.arc.nasa.gov/curric/space/lfs/kao.html
Clay Center Observatory - About the facility, tour, news and events, image archive, and links. - http://www.dexter-southfield.org/podium/default.aspx?t=10557
The Whole Earth Telescope Project - About the project, the community, observatories, campaigns, announcements, publications, and tools. - http://wet.physics.iastate.edu/
Calar Alto Observatory - Information about equipment, schedules, and technical news. - http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/Public/CAHA/
The Ryder Observatory Project - Facility and equipment information, photos, the project, the outcome, and the history. - http://www.oceansiderevolution.com/ryder_observatory/
Astronomical Observatory of Rome - Local information, scientific information, facilities, meetings and seminars, and links. - http://www.mporzio.astro.it/
Armagh Observatory - News, public relations, FAQ, and the people. - http://star.arm.ac.uk/
Mallee Sky - Introduction, the story, the facility, construction photos, general photos, map, and links. - http://www.malleesky.com
Sormano Astronomical Observatory - Information, image gallery, computations, space missions, and history. - http://www.brera.mi.astro.it/sormano/
Perugia University Observatory - List of observed blazars, control system, observing process, observations report, and data reduction result. - http://astro.fisica.unipg.it/osserv.htm
Las Brisas Observatory - General information, astrophotography index, and links. - http://lbo.teuton.org/
Wise Observatory - General information, personnel, observations, news, research, public information, and databases and circulars. - http://wise-obs.tau.ac.il
ROBOsky Remote Presence Observatories - Personally control professional astronomical observatories over the internet in real-time. - http://www.robosky.com/
Faulkes Telescope - Education and science, information, training, news, and support. - http://www.faulkes-telescope.com/
The World's Largest Optical Telescopes - Index of those operational and under construction, extremely large studies, and interesting projects. - http://astro.nineplanets.org/bigeyes.html
Mount Suhora Astronomical Observatory - Information on the facility and equipment, pictures, schedule, publications, seminaries, and links. - http://www.as.ap.krakow.pl/en-ascii/
Instituto de AstrofĂsica de Canarias - Research, development, training, administration, and public outreach. - http://www.iac.es/gabinete/index1.htm
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics - About HIA, science and technology, public outreach, business opportunities, media, and careers. - http://www.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/main_e.html
Vatican Observatory - History, equipment specifications, reports, images, news, and a FAQ. - http://clavius.as.arizona.edu/vo/R1024/VO.html
Ritter Observatory - Equipment and instrument information, observing information, and data archive. - http://www.physics.utoledo.edu/~wwwphys/ritter/ritter_obs.html
University of Hawaii 2.2-meter Telescope - Facility located near the summit of Mauna Kea, and includes observing time request information and equipment manuals. - http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/88inch/
Yerkes Observatory - Facility and equipment information, tour, history, public outreach, and gallery. - http://astro.uchicago.edu/yerkes/
U. S. Naval Observatory - General information, FAQ, tour information, history, equipment information, inexpensive digital astro imaging, and instructions on constructing an 8 inch Dobsonian. - http://www.usno.navy.mil/
The UC Irvine Observatory - Facility information, images, public access, education and outreach, directions, and technical information on equipment and instrumentation. - http://www.physics.uci.edu/~observat/
Karl Schwarzschild Observatorium - Information on equipment and instrumentation, archives, education, public outreach, and news. - http://www.tls-tautenburg.de/
Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory - News, conferences, reports, data center, publications, resources, and planetarium information. - http://astro.u-strasbg.fr/Obs-e.html
Special Astrophysical Observatory - Equipment information, instrumentation and methods, schedule, and reports. - http://www.sao.ru/Doc-en/
Johann Palisa Observatory and Planetarium - News, equipment, stars observed, photo gallery, online data, publications, and links. - http://ostrava.astronomy.cz/int.php
NF/Observatory Home Page - Facility, equipment, and instrumentation information, articles, circulars, and image galleries. - http://www.nfo.edu/
Mount Wilson Virtual Observatory - Image galleries including a panorama, picture of the day archive, guest archive, and facility archive. - http://www.astrophys-assist.com/wilobs/
Lick Observatory - Facility schedule, calendar, resources, equipment and instrument information, available filters, printable log sheets, and bulletins. - http://mthamilton.ucolick.org/
Observatorio AstronĂ³mico Nacional - Equipment and instrument information, general information, news and events, projects and images, and history. - http://haro.astrossp.unam.mx/Opciones/text1.html
Observatoire de Haute-Provence - Observing proposals, publications, photo gallery, instrument information, user's guide, and news. - http://www.obs-hp.fr/
Harvard College Observatory - Photographic plate collection, model shop information and images, information on 9 inch Clark and the Great Refractor, and public open nights. - http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/hco-home.html
Hard Labor Creek Observatory - Information on 16 inch Boller and Chivens, 16 inch Meade, and a MTT (a one-meter or 40 inch effective aperture) instruments with links.. - http://www.chara.gsu.edu/HLCO/
Grove Creek Observatory - Tour information, astrophotographs, equipment information, images, moon chart, charged coupled device (CCD) imaging tips, and links. - http://www.gco.org.au/
Dutch Open Telescope - Innovative solar instrument with information on news, equipment, publications, documents, facts, movies, and images. - http://dot.astro.uu.nl/
Climenhaga Observatory - Information on automated system, statistics, research interests, and discoveries. - http://astrowww.phys.uvic.ca/climenhaga/obs/telescope.html
Carter Observatory - General information, education, news, images, schedule, shows, and calendar of events. - http://www.carterobservatory.org/
Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna - Information, activities, services, publications, equipment information, and library. - http://www.bo.astro.it/
Springbrook Research Observatory - Photo library, news, message board, projects, online robotic, and chat. - http://maguires.com/astronomy/
Melton Memorial Observatory - Unit signup, history, touring, observing, and links. - http://boson.physics.sc.edu/~melton/
SkyView - The Internet Virtual Telescope generating images of any part of the sky at wavelengths in all regimes from Radio to Gamma-Ray. - http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/
Associated Universities, Inc. - Manages astronomical observatories for universities and National Science Foundation, press releases and information. - http://www.aui.edu/
Klet Observatory - Introduction, minor planets, NEO observations, equipment, publications, recent discoveries, images, projects, and links. - http://www.klet.org/
European Southern Observatory - News, facilities and operations, projects, activities, general information, outreach activities, and information technology. - http://www.hq.eso.org/
Worcester Park Observatory - Observations, equipment designs and reviews, papers, spectroscopy, construction information, and events. - http://www.astroman.fsnet.co.uk