Observing - The sky at a glance, highlights, sky chart, and gallery from Sky and Telescope Magazine. - http://skytonight.com/observing/highlights?wfx2=lh2hj34l8s
SkyWatch - Sends subscribers a daily email on astronomical events such as satellite passes and meteor showers. - http://www.sky-watch.com
The Night Sky This Week - Provides updated weekly information about the night sky, including specific planetary locations and details on the most important asteroids, comets, and meteor showers. - http://www.nightskyinfo.com/
Sky Diary and Monthly Observing Notes - ISS, planets, sun, moon, and meteor showers by the month with links. - http://www.r-clarke.org.uk/astro1.htm
SkyEye - A calendar of celestial events by the appropriate month. - http://www.obliquity.com/skyeye/
Sky Calendars - Static versions for Mauna Kea for the years 1998 through 2004. - http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/Temporal/SkyCalendars/
Astronomical Sky Calendar - Program that when given a particular date generates information, the Julian date, sun rise and set times, moon rise and set times, and percent illumination. - http://imagiware.com/astro/skycalendar.cgi
Sky Events - Asteroid, comet, deep sky object, earth, meteor shower, moon, planet, and sun provided by Astronomy Magazine. - http://www.astronomy.com/asy/default.aspx?c=sk&id=130
AstroEvents - Listing of celestial events good for viewing including planetary, lunar, eclipses, and meteor showers. - http://www.cosmobrain.com/cosmobrain/res/astroevent.html
Moonstick Information Site - A slide rule moon phase calendar determines the phases for any date, past (8000 years), present, or future. - http://www.moonphasecalendar.com/
Que Tal - Month at-a-glance, what's up, planet watch, phases and encounters sun watch, and star maps and charts. - http://currentsky.com/