Utah Skies - Constellations - A detailed description of the constellations that fill the night sky including lore, star charts and deep sky images. - http://www.utahskies.org/deepsky/constellations/
Stars and Constellations - Photos, information, symbols, and maps. - http://strano16.interfree.it/stelle00.htm
The Constellations and their Stars - Information by alphabetical and monthly, FAQ, and supplementary information. - http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~dolan/constellations/
Star Charts and Moon Stations - Information about charting the heavens in Japan with images and references. - http://www2.gol.com/users/stever/charts.htm
Constellation Names - The names of 88 constellations in different languages. - http://www.constellation-names.at/