David's Astronomical Page - Gallery of images. Equipment information, astrophotography tips, and a forum. - http://www.12dstring.me.uk/astro.htm
Dark Skies Astro-Imaging - Image galleries with camera setting details. Information on equipment and calibration. - http://users.telenet.be/darkskies/
Comet McNaught - Gallery with photo details. Provides local sunset times for southern hemisphere cities. - http://www.cometmcnaught.net
Pleiades PixInsight - Astronomical images, and techniques and tools for astrophotography and digital image processing. - http://pleiades-astrophoto.com/
HrAstro - Astrophotography methods, equipment, and galleries. - http://www.hrastro.com/
The Basics of Astrophotography - Hints and tips on taking photographs of the night sky using a camera and tripod. - http://www.cyprusastronomy.com/The%20Basics%20for%20Astrophotography.html
Ocupado.de - Gallery, equipment, and image downloads. - http://www.ocupado.de/
Astrophotography and CCD Imaging - Tips for film, digital cameras, video cameras, and CCDs. - http://skytonight.com/howto/astrophotography?wfx2=lh2hj34l8s
The Pyxis CCD Camera Project - CCD camera system consisting of separate guiding and imaging cameras. - http://pyxiscamera.htohananet.com/Pyxis/
Eagle Observatory - Offers overview of the equipment, as well as images of galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters. - http://eagleobservatory.atspace.com/
Astro Imaging Hints Page - Articles for beginners, shooting comets, polar alignment, CCD pixel size and masking, and stacking. - http://geogdata.csun.edu/~voltaire/hints.html
Ash Observatory - Includes tips and tricks, deep space and planetary galleries, news and forum feeds, map, reviews, awards and webrings, and links. - http://mysite.verizon.net/vzeed81b/
Grimée Observatory - Features recent images, gallery, equipment, observatory and links located in Bonnert near Arlon in Belgium. - http://www.grimee.com
Digital Camera Telescope Adapters - Table showing schematics of the coupling methods used by various commercially available digital camera adapters. - http://mysite.verizon.net/~vze4r2c2/Astro/Adapters.html
Digital Camera Astronomical Imaging FAQ - Features information about terminology, equipment and techniques with astrophotographs. - http://mysite.verizon.net/~vze4r2c2/Astro/AstroDigiCamFAQ.html
Astronomy and CCD Astro Imaging - Images, observing tips and techniques, techniques, equipment information, projects, skymap, and links. - http://www.astrosurf.com/benschop/
ASTROCAVA - Gallery, tips, equipment, and links. - http://www.terra.es/personal9/cavamen/iniciob.htm
Astrophotography Without A Telescope - Galleries, first attempts, equipment, lenses, viewing images, and the tracker design. - http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/astrophotography/
Lynkeos - A Mac OS X application dedicated to processing of planetary images acquired with a webcam through a telescope, including news, image gallery, project summary, and source code. - http://lynkeos.sourceforge.net/
AstroChris - Images, plugins, moon phase, hints and tips, seeing conditions, and equipment. - http://www.astrochris.net
Ash's Astronomy Pages - Instruments and equipment information, homemade focusing aid, gallery and journal, processing software, and links. - http://astro.ai-software.com/
Frank's Astro-Imaging - Contains information on imaging techniques, galleries, equipment, and links. - http://www.frankbrandl.com/
Scope Addiction - CCD images of galaxies and other objects as well as information about telescopes and creating CCD images. - http://home1.gte.net/res0hnzl/index.html
Coyote Skies - Photographic services, photography, and links. - http://www.rickthurmond.com/
Astronomy by Rob Johnson - CCD imaging, astrophotography, Mel Bartels CCT, light pollution, tricolour, gas hypering, weather charts, software, latest information, and links. - http://www.fornax.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/
Catching the Light - Astrophotography - Deep-sky astronomical photographs, tips and techniques for astrophotography, and digital enhancement in Photoshop. - http://www.astropix.com
Stellar Products - Image galleries, tutorials, and products. - http://www.stellarproducts.com/
Astrophotography for the Amateur - Provides table of contents, ordering information, and preview of chapter one by Michael Covington. - http://www.covingtoninnovations.com/astro/