Soils and Soil Management - Offers a database and search function of a range of articles about fertilizers, micronutrients and fertilizer application. -
Introductory Soil Science - Lectures and Laboratory Units of the Soil Sciences Courses at the University of Minnesota. Influences on soil fertility are explained and simple soil tests are described. -
Phosphorus and potassium - Describes the phosphorus (P)and potassium (K) soil testing and fertilizer recommendation system in Ontario, Canada. -
Recommended soil testing procedures - Describes important soil tests and explains how to perform and interpret them. -
European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association - Contains details about plant nutrient requirements, recommendations for fertilizer use and best agricultural practices for fertilizer application. -
Soil fertility and crop nutrition - The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs offers a large collection of newsletters and factsheets with topics ranging from soil sampling to fertilizer requierements and micronutrients. -
Field Museum - Educational site for students and teachers about soil and soil biology. -
Understand your soil test: Sulfur - Background information on the role of sulphur in soil fertility, sulphur containing fertilizers and explanation of the results of a soil test. -
Phosphorus fertilizers - Describes the effective use of this fertilizer. Soil availability, fertilizer characteristics and application. -
How to Apply Fertilizer to Wheat - Application time, forms of fertilizer and methods of application to be considered when applying fertilizer to wheat. -
Preplant Soil Nitrate Tests - Description of tests that allow farmers to adjust nitrogen applications to meet the needs of each specific field. -
Soil Fertility Research - Information about university research with extensive list of publications. -
Soils - This site from the Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives offers advice and information about the management and fertility of soil. Includes erosion, salinity and soil surveys. -
Soil Fertility - A large collection of information ranging from soil test interpretation to prevention of nutrient deficiencies. -
Kieserite - Magnesium/sulphur deficiency symptoms are widespread due to inappropriate nutrient management. This website offers not only details about the origin, properties and production of Kieserite, but also a wide range of information concerning its importance an -
Soil Quality Institute (SQI) - Research findings and practical technologies that help conserve and improve soil conditions. Applicable to farming, ranching, forestry and gardening. -
Soil Fertility Establishment - Soil fertility management for forage crops. A introduction from the Penn State University's Agronomy Department. -
Fertile Minds - A program by PotashCorp to address misconceptions about fertilizers and the role of the fertilizer industry. Detailed description of fertilzer use and production. Many downloads and a quiz. -
Soil Fertility for Forage Crops - Gives detailed description of the soil and fertilizer requirements of forage crops during establishment and maintenance. University of Pennsylvania. -
Manures and Fertilizers - Indian Agricultural Resources. Information about manures, organic, inorganic and biofertilizers. -
Micronutrient Disorders, HYG-1252-98 - On the deficiencies that may occur in soilless floriculture, and how these can be remedied. -
Secondary and Micronutrients for Vegetables and Field Plants - A series of reports describing the effects of various micronutrients on the growth and health of plants. Pictures of plants with deficiency symptoms. -
Iron Chlorosis - Explains how to detect and combat iron deficiency in plants. -
Soil Fertility Guide - Soil fertility practices in Manitoba and general fertilizer use considerations. Details about fertilizers, their characteristics, application rates and usage recommendations. N-fixation, Manure and soil factors are also described. -
Soil Fertility Management - Frequently asked questions about soil fertility, the application of animal wastes, organic and chemical fertilizers. Also features an online discussion forum. -
Foliar Fertilizer - Introduction to the sources of, and the uses of foliar fertilizer. -
Potassium In Agriculture - The influence of potassium on plant nutrition and soil. -
Introduction to Soils - Lectures about soil surveys, soil texture, soil acidity and soil fertility. Information about liming, fertilization and soil testing with particular reference to forestry. -
Efficient Fertilizer Use Manual - Comprehensive online book about proper fertilizer uses, soil pH and soil sampling. -
Potentially beneficial effects from liming - A university lecture describing the physical and chemical effects of liming on different soil types. -
International Fertilizer Industry Association - Describes the production, distribution and consumption of fertilizers, their intermediates and raw materials -
Getting Back to Basics - Crop information for all US regions and information on soil fertility and fertilizer application. -
The International Fertiliser Society - Scientific, technical, environmental, economic and safety aspects of the production, marketing, use and application of fertilizers. -
What is Soil Fertility - Information about soil fertility and how it can be improved. -
Chloride Crop Nutrition - Essential nutrient for plant growth. Testing for deficiencies and effects on plant growth. Effect on plant diseases. -
NPK Plant Nutrient Models - Online programs that simulate the response of crops to fertilization, crop residue incorporation and consider the effects of time, soil type, cultural practice and weather. Downloads available for researchers. -
Soil test interpretations - Gives examples of soil test values and explains their significance. -
Sugar Cane Production and Soil Fertility. - Information on the relationship between the quality of sugarcane and soil fertility. -
Soil Fertilizers - Information with regard to soil pH, fertilizers and lime application. -
Fertiliser Deficiencies - Papers describing deficiency symptom in crops and field vegetables. -