About Tea - On a global level, tea is the most popular beverage after water. Information on its history, how and where it is grown and processed, and customs surrounding its use. - http://www.coffee-tea-online.com/about_tea.asp
Plant Oils - Provides information, resources and web links for over 200 plant oils and other plant extracts. - http://www.plantoils.in
International Bulb Society - A non-profit organization dedicated to sharing knowledge, conducting research, and promoting conservation of geophytic plants, most usually known as "bulbs". - http://www.bulbsociety.org/
Colorado State University Specialty Crops Program - Describes current research and grants for specialty crops in Colorado with emphasis on organic, small farm, and sustainable agriculture research. - http://www.specialtycrops.colostate.edu
Ecocrop - Database interface that identifies suitable plants for a specified environment, for a defined use, or for a defined description. - http://ecocrop.fao.org/
Floriculture Industry Research and Scholarship Trust (FIRST) - Non-profit group providing research grants and scholarships for the bedding plant and cut flower industries. Includes history, requirements and applications, past recipients. - http://www.firstinfloriculture.org/
NSW Department of Primary Industries: Horticulture - Australian government agency provides information on home and commercial horticulture of fruit, vegetable, and ornamental crops, with an extensive list of articles on many topics. - http://www.agric.nsw.gov.au/reader/hort
Institute Economics in Horticulture - German research institute based at Hanover University. Site in German and English. - http://www.ifgb.uni-hannover.de/
Plantscope - Searchable database of ornamental and fruit crops, offering photos and characteristics of a large number of plants traded in the Netherlands. English/Dutch/German. - http://www.plantscope.nl/
Maca - Information on the cultivation of Lepidium meyenii, or Maca. - http://www.intimaca.com/cultivated.htm
Hops Information - Information, including FAQs and research, on growing hops in eastern United States. - http://www.uvm.edu/~pass/perry/hops.html
Hort Extension - Archive of horticultural information for producers and gardeners from Texas A&M and the Texas Extension Service. Features publications, newsletters, information about specific plants, IPM, and master gardener programs. - http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/extension/
Hazelnut Production - Plant information and production information with emphasis on Australia. - http://www.agric.nsw.gov.au/reader/deciduous-fruits/h3149-hazelnut-production.htm
Traditional Pacific Island Crops - AgNIC guide to web resources. Includes information on cultivation, marketing, harvest, nutrition, recipes, and trade associations - http://libweb.hawaii.edu/libdept/scitech/agnic/
Agribusiness Online Crop Guides - Production and postharvest technical information for individual crops. - http://www.agribusinessonline.com/crops/
PlantAmnesty - Information on quality gardening and landscaping practice, especially with regard to pruning of shrubs and trees. - http://www.plantamnesty.org/
Technical Manual on Small-Scale Processing of Fruits and Vegetables - Examines the socioeconomic benefits and effects on rural development of small agroindustrial enterprises in Latin America and the Caribbean. Used as a guide for the activities that the United Nations FAO carries out in these areas. - http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/x0209e/x0209e00.htm
NC State Horticulture - Teaching, research, and outreach in horticulture, including basic biology, ecology, production and use of horticultural products. - http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/hort_sci/
Institute of Vegetables and Ornamental Crops - The Institute carries out basic and applied research supporting the sustainable production of vegetable and ornamental plants and the rational use of natural resources. - http://www.igzev.de
Home Horticulture - Extensive alphabetized listing of horticultural fact sheets and images. Grouped by type of plant and topic. Michigan State University. - http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/mod03/master03.html
Gardenet - Online horticultural information service. Australia. - http://www.gardenet.com.au
Horticulture Solutions Series - A collection of short notes on a number of horticultural topics. - http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/~robsond/solutions/hort.html
The American Society for Horticultural Science - Promotes and encourages scientific research and education in horticulture within the United States and throughout the world. Publisher of HortScience, HortTechnology, and the Journal of ASHS. - http://www.ashs.org/
The Horticultural Taxonomy Group - Gives the history of HORTAX, an association of taxonomists and horticulturists interested in the classification and nomenclature of cultivated plants, member information and links to the archives of HORTAX News. - http://www.hortax.org.uk/
Horticulture Resources - Information about the horticultural technology with links to the Journal of Applied Horticulture, and horticultural societies. - http://www.horticulture-india.com
Horticultural Engineering - Contains information about aspects of engineering, including glasshouse construction and energy conservation, from Rutgers University. - http://aesop.rutgers.edu/~horteng
The Center for Urban Horticulture - Conducts research, teaching, and public service on the selection, management and role of plants and ecosystems in the urban environment. At College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle. - http://depts.washington.edu/urbhort/
Australian New Crops Project - Encouraging the commercialisation of potential new crops (including herbs, spices, and other horticultural crops) in Australia. Includes newsletter and links. - http://www.newcrops.uq.edu.au/
Sydney Postharvest Laboratory - Serving the fresh fruit and vegetable industry, for matters including evaluation of postharvest technologies, storage and handling software, assistance with commercialization, patents, expert testimony, and cargo loss. Located in Sydney, Australia. - http://www.postharvest.com.au/
Yosef Mizrahi's Homepage. - Biological and horticultural aspects of wild and rare fruit and nut trees of warm climates. Biology of cacti. Abnormally-ripening-fruit mutants. - http://www.bgu.ac.il/life/mizrahi.html