The Bamboo Institute - Aims to further the development and use of bamboo as a building material. -
Environmental Bamboo Foundation - Promoting bamboo as an environmentally renewable resource. Details of its activities in Indonesia and Hawaii, how-to's on building houses and shelters, other general information. -
Bamboo in Nepal: a management guide - Detailed explanation of methods of propagation and cultivation for different purposes and across different areas. -
Bamboo: An Alternative Movement - Sara Nakasone describes how bamboo is being used as an alternative resource to other types of wood. Find a discussion about the structural engineering issues involved in building larger bamboo structures. -
Growing Bamboo in Alabama - Provides an economic history of the use of the plant as a crop in the state. Includes a discussion of soils, climate, propagation and culture. -
The World Bamboo Organization - Promotes the use of bamboo as a sustainable and alternative natural resource. News and events, information about the World Bamboo Congress and the board of directors. - - Describes the uses, species, consvervation value, and cultivation of bamboo in India. -
Bamboo Web - General description, possible uses, ecological characteristics, pictures, and links. -
The Australian Bamboo Network - Online bamboo propagation and cultivation guide. Information primarily aimed at food use and shoot production. -
American Bamboo Society - Information about the society and its chapters, uses and cultivation of bamboo in general and for individual species, glossary, and bibliography. -