Yam Diseases in Ghana - Outlines research into the nature and impact of diseases which may affect the yam crop. - http://www.bspp.org.uk/icpp98/4.7/1.html
Yam Virus Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa - Results of a survey undertaken to try to provide further information on viral infections in this important crop in sub-Saharan Africa. - http://www.iita.org/cms/details/virology/pdf_files/128-136.pdf
On the Bright Side of Yam Production - Nigeria is the leading producer of yams in sub-Saharan Africa but most farmers face problems with declining productivity, disease, cost and scarcity of clean planting material. A project in Kogi States is showing farmers how to grow their own disease free - http://www.new-agri.co.uk/06-3/develop/dev03.html
Known Susceptibilities of Dioscoreaceae - Provides a list of species of yam, both scientific and common names, and the viruses to which each is known to be susceptible. - http://image.fs.uidaho.edu/vide/famly055.htm
An Overview of Viruses Infecting Dioscoria Yams in Sub-Saharan Africa - Viruses in yams produce a range of symptoms including mosaics, mottle, distortion, stunting and chlorosis. This article gives details of many of these and their vectors, and suggests ways of growing virus free crops. - http://www.iita.org/cms/details/virology/pdf_files/432-439.pdf