Symphylans: Soil Pest Management Options - Describes the symphylan life cycle and the damage symphylans can cause and includes monitoring techniques and sustainable management options to prevent economic damage. -
Wireworm Fact Sheet - Provides details of the biology and life cycle of the click beetle and the development and feeding habits of its destructive larvae. -,frameless.htm
Redbacked Cutworm - Information on Euxoa ochrogaster, which attacks many different crops, its life cycle, assessing the damage caused and possible management strategies. -$Department/deptdocs.nsf/all/prm2543
Leafhoppers: Empoasca fabae - A description of these pests, with photographs, and information on the damage they cause, their life cycle and control. -
Insects that Attack Seeds and Seedlings of Field Crops - Illustrated information on seedcorn beetles, seedcorn maggots, thief ants, wireworms, white grubs, cornfield ants and corn root aphids. -
A Guide to Grasshopper Control in Cropland - Article discussing the damage these insects can do, their life cycle and how to determine when control is required and what chemical to use. -
Fall Armyworm: Spodoptera frugiperda - Photographs and information on the life cycle of this pest, its description, host plants, damage caused, natural enemies and management using insecticides and biological controls. -
Diseases - Information on about 20 diseases that affect cereal and other crops, with for each, a general description and photograph of the symptoms, and advice on control measures. -
Army Cutworm - Information on Euxoa auxiliaris, which attacks many crops, its life cycle, assessing the damage caused and possible management strategies. -$Department/deptdocs.nsf/all/prm2475