Diseases of Oilseed Crops: Canola - An identification guide to the diseases that may infect this crop, with many photographs, brief descriptions of the symptoms and suggested management strategies. - http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/prm7710?OpenDocument#blackspot
Blackleg: Leptosphaeria maculans - This fungal disease affecting canola causes lesions to appear on the leaf. Details of the life cycle of the fungus and suggested control methods. - http://www.hannafords.com/disease.php?id=24
Light Leaf Spot - Photograph and symptoms of this foliar disease of oilseed rape, its biology and advice on control measures. - http://www.sac.ac.uk/consultancy/cropclinic/clinic/diseases/LLS
Clubroot - Photograph and description of the symptoms of this disease caused by a soil-borne fungus, its biology and advice on control. - http://www.sac.ac.uk/consultancy/cropclinic/clinic/diseases/clubroot
Cabbage Seed Weevil - Photograph and information on these insects, the larvae of which attack oilseed rape, their biology and advice on control measures. - http://www.sac.ac.uk/consultancy/cropclinic/clinic/pests/seedweevil
Pollen Beetle: Meligethes aeneus - A description and photograph of this insect, its biology and advice on control measures. - http://www.sac.ac.uk/consultancy/cropclinic/clinic/pests/pbeetle
Pests of Oilseed Rape: A Scottish Perspective - Information on the different pests that may attack this crop with photographs of insects and damage, when to expect problems and possible control measures. - http://www.sac.ac.uk/mainrep/pdfs/tn511oilseedrapepests.pdf
Lygus Bugs in Canola - Photographs of the insect, Lygus lineolaris, its description, host plants, life history, damage done and management strategies. - http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex741?opendocument
Bertha Armyworm - Mamestra configurata is a significant pest of canola. Information on its life cycle, host plants, damage done, monitoring and actions that can be taken to control it. - http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$Department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex3508
Diamondback Moth - Photographs and information on the life history of this insect, the larvae of which can cause severe infestations, its description, the damage caused, monitoring and possible control measures. - http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$Department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex2540