Diseases of Lentils - An identification guide to the diseases that may infect this crop, with photographs, brief descriptions of the symptoms and suggested management strategies. - http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/prm7830#ab
List of Lentil Diseases - Gives the common and scientific name for the fungal, parasitic nematode and viral diseases that affect Lens culinaris. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lentil_diseases
Lentil Ascochyta Blight - Photographs and information on this disease of lentils including the symptoms, disease cycle and control measures that can be used. - http://paridss.usask.ca/specialcrop/pulse_diseases/lentil/ascochyta.html
Lentil Anthracnose - Photographs and information on this disease including the symptoms, disease cycle and control measures that can be used. - http://paridss.usask.ca/specialcrop/pulse_diseases/lentil/anthracnose.html
Lentil Botrytis - Grey mold caused by Botrytis cinerea can be a problem particularly in wet weather conditions. Photographs and information on the symptoms, disease cycle and possible control measures. - http://paridss.usask.ca/specialcrop/pulse_diseases/lentil/botrytis.html
Ascochyta Disease in Lentils - Information on this disease, its symptoms, disease cycle and disease control from Discovery Seed Labs in Canada which offers a seed testing service. - http://www.seedtesting.com/adl-disease.html
Botrytis Stem and Pod Rot - Information on grey mold caused by Botrytis cinerea, its appearance, disease cycle and disease control from Discovery Seed Labs in Canada which offers a seed testing service. - http://www.seedtesting.com/bspr-disease.html
Diseases Of Lentil (Lens culinaris) - Provides a list of the common and scientific names for the fungal, viral and parasitic nematode diseases that may infect this crop. - http://www.apsnet.org/online/common/names/lentil.asp