Mexican Bean Beetle: Epilachna varivestis - A description of this species with photographs and details of its hosts, the damage it does, its life cycle and control. -
Bean Diseases - Descriptions and management strategies for common diseases of beans. -$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/prm7727?opendocument
Diseases of Field Beans - An identification guide to various diseases that may attack this crop, with photographs and suggested management strategies. -$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/prm7818#anthra
Charcoal Rot or Black Root Disease - Photograph of a lesion on a stem caused by Macrophomina phaseolina. -
Pythium Root Rot - Photographs of bean pods affected by Pythium spp. -
Ascochyta Leaf Spot - Image of a bean leaf infected with Phoma exigua var. exigua -
Damping-off and Root Rot of Beans - Photographs of beans affected with these diseases, the symptoms, causal organisms and management. -
Bean Golden Yellow Mosaic Virus - This serious disease can devastate Central American bean crops. Information on how it is spread by whitefly and possible preventative measures. -
Diseases of Beans and Drybeans - Photographs and information on various diseases which may affect this crop, the life cycle of the causal agents, the symptoms and plant health management. -
Bean Anthracnose - Fact sheet on this major disease of beans caused by the fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Includes the symptoms, with photographs of various affected plant parts, the disease cycle and means of control. -