Oklahoma Alfalfa - Production information including tips, extension publications, photos, facts, and trivia. - http://alfalfa.okstate.edu/
National Alfalfa Information System (NAIS) - Informational and educational resources on alfalfa production, management, and utilization intended for individuals involved in marketing, advising farmers and ranchers, and producing or using alfalfa. - http://forages.oregonstate.edu/IS/NAIS/default.cfm
University of California Alfalfa Workgroup - Information on symposia proceedings, research, testing, seed production, and the alfalfa industry in California. - http://alfalfa.ucdavis.edu/
University of Wisconsin Extension: Alfalfa - Covers variety selection, plant growth, pest management environmental effects, cutting schedules, and other information on crop production and management. - http://www.uwex.edu/ces/crops/uwforage/alfalfa.htm
Pennsylvania State University Forages: Alfalfa - Covers characteristics, establishment, grazing, and fertility information. - http://www.cas.psu.edu/docs/casdept/agronomy/forage/docs/species/alfalfa.html
Alfalfa Plant Diseases and Damage - Links to images and articles about diseases affecting alfalfa plants and crops. - http://www.ent.iastate.edu/imagegal/plantpath/alfalfa/
Alfalfa Management In North Dakota - Comprehensive information on growth and production. - http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/plantsci/hay/r571-1.htm
Alfalfa Council - Develops publications and programs covering a wide range of subjects of concern to alfalfa growers. - http://www.alfalfa.org/
Alfalfa - Discusses crop history, varieties, and planting. - http://agri.atu.edu/people/Hodgson/FieldCrops/StudentWork/Vicki_Shaw.html