Utah State University Extension - Delivers research-based education and information to Utah residents in the areas of agriculture, community development and family and consumer sciences. - http://extension.usu.edu/cooperative/
Cornell Cooperative Extension - Aims to improve New York State communities through partnerships and university-based research in the areas of agriculture and food systems, youth and family services, economic development, nutrition, and natural resources. - http://www.cce.cornell.edu/
University of Delaware Cooperative Extension - Educational and advisory services for farmers, 4-H members, and families. Includes publications, calendar of events, program information, and related resources. - http://ag.udel.edu/extension/
University of California Cooperative Extension - Offers educational programs throughout California in the areas of farm management, 4-H, nutrition, and family and consumer sciences. Page includes list of programs and county offices. - http://ucanr.org/
University of the District of Columbia Cooperative Extension Service - Designed to provide the Metropolitan Washington Area population with a wide range of educational and training offerings, some of which are supported by grants or contracts, while others are fee based. - http://www.udc.edu/cooperative_extension/coop_ext.htm
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service - Offers educational programs to citizens and communities in the areas of agriculture and family and consumer sciences. Includes publications, program information, news and calendar of events. - http://www.caes.uga.edu/extension/
Ohio State University Extension - Aims to improve the lives of Ohioans through research-based education programs in the areas of agriculture, nutrition and family and consumer sciences. Offers publications, research and program information. - http://extension.osu.edu/
Tuskegee University Cooperative Extension Program - Provides non-formal educational and technical assistance programs to Alabama citizens and community groups. Includes program news and information. - http://www.tuskegee.edu/Global/category.asp?C=34630&nav=CcXE
University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service - Partnership between the University of Kentucky and Kentucky State University aims to improve the lives of rural Kentuckians through educational programs in the areas of 4-H, economic development, and family and consumer sciences. - http://ces.ca.uky.edu/ces/
University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service - State outreach educational delivery system with research-based programs in the areas of home economics, land resources, community development and 4-H youth development. - http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/
Oregon State University Extension - Provides education and information based on timely research to help Oregonians solve problems and develop skills related to youth, family, community, farm, forest, energy, and marine resources. - http://extension.oregonstate.edu/
Washington State University Cooperative Extension - Offers research-based programs and services to assist individuals, businesses and communities to find solutions for local issues and to improve their quality of life. - http://ext.wsu.edu/
University of Idaho Extension - District IV Office - Offers research-based educational programs and publications in the areas of agriculture, community development and family and consumer sciences to citizens and communities in Eastern Idaho. - http://extension.ag.uidaho.edu/district4/
University of Idaho Extension - Offers research-based educational programs and publications in the areas of agriculture, community development and family and consumer sciences. - http://www.uidaho.edu/ag/extension/
University of Nevada Cooperative Extension - Delivers non-degree, educational programs in these areas of agriculture; children, youth and families; community development; health and nutrition; horticulture; and natural resources. - http://www.unce.unr.edu/
University of Arizona Cooperative Extension - Serves as a statewide network of faculty and staff that provides lifelong educational programs for all Arizonans in the areas of agriculture, horticulture, family and youth development, community development and leadership. - http://ag.arizona.edu/extension/
New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service - Offers research-based educational programs and publications in the areas of agriculture, community development and family and consumer sciences. - http://cahe.nmsu.edu/ces/
Colorado State University Cooperative Extension - Information for consumers about crops, farm management, food and nutrition, gardening, insects, livestock, resources and youth development across the state. - http://www.ext.colostate.edu/
Montana State University Extension Service - Provides research-based knowledge to strengthen the social, economic and environmental well-being of families, communities and agricultural enterprises. - http://extn.msu.montana.edu/
North Dakota State University Extension Service - Offers research-based education programs and resources in the areas of agriculture, horticulture, youth and family. - http://www.ext.nodak.edu/
South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension Service - Offers research-based educational programs and publications in the areas of agriculture, community development and family and consumer sciences. - http://www3.sdstate.edu/CooperativeExtension/
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension - Offers research-based educational programs, publications and resources in the areas of agriculture, family and child development, community leadership and development, food and safety, health and nutrition, and environmental resources. - http://extension.unl.edu/
Kansas State University Research and Extension - Offers educational programs and resources in the areas of agribusiness and economics, crops and livestock, environment, health and nutrition, home and family, youth development, and lawn and garden. - http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/
Texas Cooperative Extension - Offers practical, how-to education based on university research. Includes list of county agents, resources, class and events schedule, and 4-H programs. - http://texasextension.tamu.edu/
University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service - Offers research-based education programs and publications in the areas of agriculture, community development, home and garden, and youth services. - http://www.uaex.edu/
University of Missouri Outreach and Extension - Offers research-based educational programs and publications in the areas of agriculture, community development and family and consumer sciences. - http://extension.missouri.edu/
University of Minnesota Extension Service - Features access to Extension publications, newsletters, audio scripts, news releases and programs. - http://www.extension.umn.edu/
University of Illinois Extension - Provides practical, research-based information and programs to help individuals, families, farms, businesses and communities in Illinois. - http://www.extension.uiuc.edu/
University of Wisconsin Extension Cooperative - Offers educational, research-based programs in agriculture, food and nutrition, 4-H youth development, community development, home and family, and rural leadership. Includes publications and program information. - http://www1.uwex.edu/ces/index.cfm
University of Hawaii Office of Cooperative Extension - Offers research and educational programs in the areas of agriculture, home and garden, community development, environmental resources, and food and nutrition. - http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/ctahr2001/Extension/index.html
Purdue Extension - Offers services and education programs in the areas of agriculture and natural resources, consumer and family sciences, leadership and community development, and 4-H. - http://www.ces.purdue.edu/
West Virginia University Extension Service - Offers educational programs and research in the areas of community development, agriculture and family and consumer sciences to people and communities throughout West Virginia. - http://www.wvu.edu/~exten/
Tennessee State Cooperative Extension Program - Provides education and outreach to Tennessee communities in the areas of 4-H, agriculture and nutrition. - http://www.tnstate.edu/cep/
University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service - Information and educational programs on farm management, pest control, livestock production, yard and garden maintenance, and home and family management. Includes links to on-campus and local Extension offices and educators around the state. - http://www.utextension.utk.edu/
Alabama Cooperative Extension System - Operates as the primary educational outreach organization for the land-grant function of Alabama A&M and Auburn University. Site features news, calendar, and resource areas. - http://www.aces.edu/
Clemson Cooperative Extension Service - Offers educational program to communities in South Carolina in the areas of community development, agriculture, and family and consumer sciences. - http://virtual.clemson.edu/groups/extension/
North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service - Educational partnership offers numerous programs implemented by county field faculty and supported by university-based specialists. - http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/
Virginia Cooperative Extension - Aims to improve the lives and well-being of people and communities in the state of Virginia by offering education programs in agriculture, farm management, parenting, personal finance, home management, and gardening. - http://www.ext.vt.edu/
Maryland Cooperative Extension - Offers educational programs and problem-solving assistance to citizens and communities, based on the research and experience of land grant universities. - http://www.agnr.umd.edu/MCE/index.cfm
Rutgers Cooperative Extension - Focuses on issues and needs relating to agriculture and the environment; management of natural resources; food safety, quality, and health; family stability; economic security; and youth development in the state of New Jersey. - http://www.rce.rutgers.edu/
University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension - Aims to help people improve their lives and communities by extending university-based research for the benefit of families, farms and the environment. - http://www.uri.edu/ce/index1.html
University of Massachusetts Extension - Sponsors statewide programs in agriculture and landscape, natural resources and environmental conservation, 4-H youth and family development, and nutrition education. - http://www.umassextension.org/
University of Vermont Agriculture Extension - Provides educational programs and practical information concerning Vermont communities, families and homes, farms, businesses, and the natural environment. Includes calendar of events, publications and news. - http://www.uvm.edu/extension/
University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension - Find resources covering agriculture, forestry, family, 4-H, youth, Sea Grant, water and marine topics for professionals and consumers. - http://ceinfo.unh.edu/
Penn State Cooperative Extension and Outreach - Extension and outreach programs for producers, agricultural businesses and consumers in Pennsylvania and northeast U.S. - http://www.extension.psu.edu/